On Fri, Oct 28, 2016 at 10:20 PM, Stephen Hutchinson <qyo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 10/27/2016 11:37 PM, Vittorio Giovara wrote:
>> yeah 64 bits formats work only in pass-through, so you cannot convert
>> them or output anything in them
> The output restriction is completely internal to Libav (avplay, etc.),
> right?  I did verify that linking mpv against a build of Libav
> including this patch can play back BGRA64 scripts correctly in bgra64.
> Or would mpv's ability to use Libav to do that fall under what you
> meant by 'pass-through'?

By "passthrough" I mean that Libav cannot generate bgra64 nor modify a
frame in that format (scale, convert or modify in any way). It can
just decode that format and output it as is.

>>> pixfmts supported by AviSynth+ but not (yet) available in Libav:
>>> YUVA420P12
>>> YUVA422P12
>>> YUVA444P12
>> YUVA*P12 were added recently
> I know plain 12-bit YUV formats were added recently (and those are
> enabled in this patch), but I didn't see any 12-bit YUV +alpha formats
> mentioned in the git log, pixfmt.h or pixdesc.c.

Ops, my bad I confused gbrAp and yuv12, never mind.

>> This one should be pretty easy to support (after gbrap12 got
>> commited), just a matter of declaring it and adding the proper
>> input/output declarations in swscale. Are you interested in giving it
>> a go?
>>> GRAY10
>>> GRAY12
>> Same for these two, but not sure if they are hugely popular formats
> I can look at it, but it'd probably be faster for someone who's
> already familiar with the relevant parts of swscale/avutil to do it.
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