On Mon, Apr 10, 2017 at 11:49 AM, James Almer <jamr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> In my opinion it would be enough to return int and
>> just AVERROR(EINVAL) in case it's not found. James would you be ok
>> with that, or do you have any preference?
> IMO, PROJECTION_UNKNOWN is an interesting addition.
> Assume for example a projection we don't currently support shows up in
> a file in the future, both the mov and matroska demuxers would ignore
> it and report the file as having no spherical metadata whatsoever.
> With PROJECTION_UNKNOWN the demuxers could report the presence of said
> metadata (and the generic values yaw/pitch/roll) while clearly stating
> it's unknown.

I mean, if it's unknown, no demuxer can parse correctly any field:
nothing guarantees that future projections will keep y/p/r in the same
place. Even so, what's the user going to do with knowing the fact that
the video contains spherical metadata it can't parse correctly/fully
support? So, I'm hesitant to add a new type for this uncertain
behaviour, wouldn't you agree?
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