> The Intel documentation says "BufferSizeInKB represents the maximum
> possible size of any compressed frames.".  Is that just confused?  Some of
> the surrounding text does suggest that it's the right thing.
> Probably fine, but are you sure it should be set when in non-bitrate-targetted
> modes?  (The related HRD parameter InitialDelayInKB is set further down in
> CBR/VBR modes only.)
Yes, it is useless if HRD/VBV compliance is not required. 
I note AVBR is also HRD/VBV compliance required.
So BufferSizeInKB/ InitialDelayInKB should also be set for AVBR.

> - Mark
> Aside:  Please try to avoid sending messages from the future, it's confusing
> when things are sorted by time.  (You probably have the clock set wrong on
> a machine used for git send-email.)

Sure, thanks for remind. 

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