On 02/04/18 10:32, Li, Zhong wrote:
>>> diff --git a/libavutil/hwcontext_qsv.c b/libavutil/hwcontext_qsv.c
>>> index 5018a05..0db446b 100644
>>> --- a/libavutil/hwcontext_qsv.c
>>> +++ b/libavutil/hwcontext_qsv.c
>>> ...
>>> +            surface->Data.Y  = frame->data[0];
>>> +            surface->Data.UV = frame->data[1];
>>> +            break;
>>> +
>>> +        case AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P:
>>> +            surface->Data.Y = frame->data[0];
>>> +            surface->Data.U = frame->data[1];
>>> +            surface->Data.V = frame->data[2];
>>> +            break;
>>> +
>>> +        case AV_PIX_FMT_RGB32:
>>> +            surface->Data.B = frame->data[0];
>>> +            surface->Data.G = frame->data[0] + 1;
>>> +            surface->Data.R = frame->data[0] + 2;
>>> +            surface->Data.A = frame->data[0] + 3;
>>> +            break;
>>> +
>>> +        default:
>>> +            return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
>>> +    }
>>> +    surface->Data.Pitch     = frame->linesize[0];
>> What happens if linesize[0] != linesize[1]?  (You aren't introducing that
>> problem, but I hadn't seen it before.)
> I don't think MSDK can handle this case perfectly since there is only one 
> pitch.
> Take YUV420p as example, IMHO it is required linesize of Y must be twice of U 
> and V.

That isn't going to be true for a general frame in libav - the pitches for each 
plane are independent.  Since they are usually created by taking the width of 
the plane and rounding up to the appropriate alignment (usually 32, I think) it 
will work for widths which are multiples of large powers of two - e.g. 1920 
width will work because both 1920 and 960 are already aligned to a 32-byte 
boundary.  It won't work for less aligned widths (e.g. 720 width from NTSC or 
PAL will give luma pitch = align(720, 32) = 736 but chroma pitch = align(360, 
32) = 384), nor will it work for other ways of laying out the frame such as 

This problem was preexisting, though, so I guess it isn't necessary to deal 
with it in this patch.  Not sure what the right answer is - maybe it could just 
reject non-matching pitches and return an error?  Or it could make a temporary 
frame with the stricter alignment and copy to that before uploading?  (Though 
that might be slow and defeat the point of this upload path.)

- Mark
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