Le sextidi 6 thermidor, an CCXX, noahzarc a écrit :
> Apologies for top posting, it's my very first time using a mailing list.

No problem, you fixed it.

> Apologies, it's my very first time using a mailing list. Would this be the
> correct way of setting priv_data?
> AVDictionary *outputDictionary;
> av_dict_set(&outputDictionary, "crf", "0", AV_DICT_APPEND);
> avcodec_open2(outputCodecCtx, codec, &outputDictionary);

You would probably make sure you init outputDictionary to NULL before doing
anything on it. And AV_DICT_APPEND is not necessary here and may be harmful
under some circumstances, but yes, this is the gist of it.


  Nicolas GEorge

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