Hi, I met a crash when using sws_scale. So I'd like to see if anyone can
help me here.

The input is a 1754x789 RGB24 image and I want to scale to 1280x576

swscontext is created successfully.

I create my own buffer to hold the image data, because it's RGB24 so the
byteswith is 5264 (16 aligned) so the whole buffer is 5264x789.

The input AVFrame for sws_scale is created using avcode_alloc_frame(), and
data[0] points to the buffer linesize[0] = 5264, and the output AVFrame is
created using avpicture_alloc(rbg24, 1280, 576).

with all above condition, sws_scale crashed. So I'd like to know if there's
any special requirement on the input/out buffer of sws_scale?

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