I added a force register function and made all of the static variables 
available to me so I can make them equal NULL so when I retry the things 
registered would be reset and it still crashes.
The things I made NULL are
first_hwaccel = NULL;
first_avcodec = NULL;
av_first_parser = NULL;
first_bitstream_filter = NULL;

first_iformat = NULL;
first_oformat = NULL;
first_protocol = NULL;

I'll try looking around in debug to see if I can find any static variables that 
has to do with that sum variable. I can say that in the debug (from what I 
remember) the variable sum is 0, I don't know if that could cause it to crash.

On Mar 1, 2011, at 6:05 PM, Mr. Gecko wrote:

> Hello, I've took the code of FFmpeg and made it into an objective-c class so 
> I can easily convert things in my application and it doesn't seem to want to 
> run twice. I am thinking that there may be something that was changed that 
> was registered when I called avcodec_register_all and av_register_all but I 
> am not sure. The only way for me to test this would be to make all the 
> variables that register null again and that'll require me modifying the code 
> in libav. I don't have much time now so I can't test right now, but I'm sure 
> if I don't get an answer I'll modify the code tomorrow to test. I'm using the 
> v6.1 tag to test all of this in the master git repo. It crashes at *samples = 
> round_sample(&sum); in side of the function ff_mpa_synth_filter of the file 
> mpegaudiocodec.c when I run the converter a second time. I would think that 
> everything that FFmpeg requires to convert would just be variables in the 
> actual command code, and not the library, but it doesn't appear so as after 
> releasing everything and so on that was allocated it still doesn't work. I 
> wrote an example mac application that shows the problem in working code. The 
> example code is at http://dl.dropbox.com/u/610721/FFmpeg.zip.
> P.S. If you have a problem with the header of MGMFFmpeg, just let me know and 
> I'll change it. I will be placing this port in open source, why I made the 
> header mention I didn't write it all.

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