
I'd like to announce that I've moved João's vastly improved test
framework into cvs HEAD. I've built the current cvs version from a
fresh cvs checkout, and everything seems to build and test as
expected. That is, not every test works ok but we've seen this
previously in the development branch. The problem are mainly related
to a firebird bug, and I'm not sure we'll be able to solve this unless
the underlying bug is fixed in firebird itself. I've found other minor
glitches, e.g. a SGML bug in the db2 driver docs which I'll fix asap.

I'd like to ask everyone with some spare time at their hands to test
the new test kit, which is conveniently done by running "make
check". Please post unexpected test results and any problems you may
encounter. It's about time to move on to a new release.


Markus Hoenicka
AQ score 38

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