David Reiser writes:
 > Can libdbi and libdbi-drivers handle multiple versions of the postgres
 > driver (built for different postgres versions) on the same machine? I can
 > readily segregate the drivers built with the different postgres headers and
 > libraries and put symlinks back to the main libdbi dbd dir, but I don't see
 > any way for libdbi to differentiate between two postgres drivers.

Hi David,

it can't out of the box, but as far as I understand you could still
trick libdbi in thinking these are separate drivers. Please have a
look at the driver source
(libdbi-drivers/drivers/pgsql/dbd_pgsql.c). There's a structure called
driver_info around line 59. The first member is the internal name of
the driver. It should be possible to build one of your drivers with a
different internal name, say pgsql-904, and use that name in your
application to reference this particular version of the driver.


Markus Hoenicka
AQ score 38

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