Dear Kirsten,

good initiative!

In my opinion it would be a nice idea to invite the UE Parliament to follow the UE Art. 29 WP recommendations, esp. regarding face recognition and video surveillance[1], mentioning the dangers of biometric data in SNs. Considering the visual re-identification of people in real world through uploaded photos and face recognition the report says: <<[...] equipping video surveillance systems and smartphones with facial recognition systems based on social network databases could put an end to anonymity and untraced movement of individuals.>> (p.2) sent an open letter[2] to UE institutions back in 2011, asking for a "clear and well-balanced regulatory framework that could preserve citizens from privacy intrusions, while also providing the Internet industry with a consistent and transparent privacy policy environment in which citizens confidence, technology research and business can thrive".
Of course is glad to sign!

Best regards,

Alberto Cammozzo, founder

[1] Open Letter to EU privacy institutions, and replies: <>

[2] ARTICLE 29 DATA PROTECTION WORKING PARTY Opinion 3/2012 on developments in biometric technologies:


On 01/25/2013 10:01 AM, Kirsten wrote:
Dear all,

In response to the massive corporate lobbying in Brussels against the
data protection reform, European Digital Rights (EDRi), Bits of Freedom
and Privacy International  drafted a statement
( geared towards Members of the European
Parliament and European governments, demanding of them to protect our
privacy instead of listening to industry lobbyists.

You are of course all very welcome to sign if you haven't done so
already. Please e-mail to We will process
all incoming e-mails as soon as possible.


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