Hello List,

There is an election (selection) about to happen in Iran. Recently a
secretly recorded tape was leaked to the Internet:

"The Campaign has obtained a secretly recorded two-hour audio file of
Qalibaf in which he details his prominent and direct role in
repressing and carrying out violence against student protesters in
July 1999, July 2003, and in the 2009 post-election protests."


Is there anyone on this list, that can help us provide a scientific
proof that this voice is in fact the voice of Mr. Qalibaf? Such a
proof can be used by Human rights groups to ban this moster from
travelling abroad and possibly hold him accountable for his crimes.

I figured someone on this list, may be able to at least point me to
the right direction.

All the best,

“Be the change you want to see in the world.” Gandhi
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