Eugen Leitl:

> Grimes: How many exploits does your unit have access to?
> Cyber warrior: Literally tens of thousands -- it's more than that. We have
> tens of thousands of ready-to-use bugs in single applications, single
> operating systems.
> Grimes: Is most of it zero-days?
> Cyber warrior: It's all zero-days. Literally, if you can name the software or
> the controller, we have ways to exploit it. There is no software that isn't
> easily crackable. In the last few years, every publicly known and patched bug
> makes almost no impact on us. They aren't scratching the surface.

Tens of thousands zero-days; that sounds like totally shit. That guy
seems to be a script kiddie poser, nothing more.
Are there any real "hackers" that can issue a competent statement to that?

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