While I am no great fan of Silicon Valley - Silicon Valley I think does not 
equal the Internet.  What I hope we guard against with this reaction against I 
guess technological triumphalism is throwing the proverbial baby out with the 
bathwater.  I think joining the "church of the savvy" (a saying from journalism 
that I think can be transferred to discussions about the Internet) can be just, 
or even more dangerous than belief in the Internet as an ultimate problem 

Maybe to take the example of the homeless man as one example.  I had been a 
member of a group working with homeless youth a few years ago - in the sort of 
myspace to Facebook era.  What we found anecdote wise was that youth who had a 
presence on social network sites were able to stay more connected.  One of the 
difficulties that homeless youth face is that they lose connection to 
mainstream society because that is not where their lives take them.  This 
ability to stay at least minimally visible may or may not being a defining 
circumstance of their lives, but it seemed important.  And the reason they were 
able to do this is because libraries offered computers with free and open 
Internet access.  I have no idea what Mark Zuckerberg's motives are, but there 
is nothing wrong with Internet access.

Homeless youth are different from the adult homeless population.  I have seen 
some very good research suggesting that the most important issue in adult 
homelessness is, self evidently enough, lack of stable housing.  We somehow got 
this view of most homeless as being homeless because they have other problems.  
I think it is more likely that these other problems come from lack of stable 
housing and perceiving there are no avenues to stable housing.  There are many 
reasons for this, but I think one of the reason is that many homeless don't 
know their rights and/or what might be available to them (less and less in the 
modern U.S. I admit).  The Internet it seems to me can serve as a source of 
information, available at the same libraries as the youth use (caveat, many 
homeless youth are homeless because of other often family related problems, but 
stable housing is still extraordinarily important  and at the same time almost 
completely out of reach for this population).

Teaching a homeless man coding may have important benefits.  Somebody who is 
homeless might be better at creating connecting platforms that meet the needs 
of the homeless as opposed to say upper middle class college students.

I don't know where what seems like a snowball of Internet cynicism comes from.  
Perhaps part of it is that everybody seems to be trying to make a buck off the 
Internet and it has spawned an awful lot of e-confidence artists.  But that 
doesn't diminish the potential it has for changing the way we live in ways we 
are just beginning to recognize.

From: liberationtech-boun...@lists.stanford.edu 
[liberationtech-boun...@lists.stanford.edu] on behalf of Amin Sabeti 
Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2013 2:05 PM
To: liberationtech
Subject: [liberationtech] Hey Silicon Valley! Not every problem can be solved 
by giving people internet access or teaching them to code [feedly]

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Hey Silicon Valley! Not every problem can be solved by giving people internet 
access or teaching them to code

This might go without saying, but I’m probably one of the biggest boosters of 
technology there is, especially when it comes to the benefits of internet 
access and the startup ecosystem that has grown up around it: it’s what I write 
about, I use the internet and mobile technology all day, and I think internet 
access should probably be a human 
 But even I know that there are some problems in the world — and some fairly 
significant ones — that can’t be solved by simply giving people internet access 
and teaching them how to code.

Unfortunately, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and some tech entrepreneurs 
either don’t know this or are deliberately choosing to ignore it. And by doing 
so, they are only reinforcing the image of Silicon Valley and the 
technology-startup scene as a bubble of unrealistic expectations, if not 
outright blinkered ignorance about the world around it.

Zuckerberg’s new venture, known as Internet.org<http://Internet.org>, is a 
joint project aimed at bringing easy and/or cheap internet 
 to those who don’t have it — primarily in non-Western countries — and arrived 
wrapped in a motivational and humanitarian-themed video that was largely based 
on some sections of a speech by John F. Kennedy (sections that were chosen 
rather selectively, as Alexis Madrigal notes in a post at The 
 In this vision, internet access pretty much solves everything, and makes 
people’s lives immeasurably awesome:

Homelessness is not a “glitch”

The other exhibit in my Silicon Valley bubble-mentality case comes from 
entrepreneur Patrick McConlogue, who wrote a spectacularly thoughtless post for 
Medium — not the 
 one from a young entrepreneur, I should note — about how he believes that 
homeless people would be a lot better off if they 
learned<https://medium.com/architecting-a-life/fee8f3ee97a0> how to program 
(McConlogue is a New Yorker, but I think his viewpoint is an Eastern extension 
of a common Silicon Valley mindset). He says he plans to conduct an experiment 
in which he offers a specific homeless man $100 or three books on JavaScript to 
see which he will take:

“I like to think I can see the few times when [a homeless person is] a wayward 
puzzle piece. It’s that feeling you get when you know the waiter, the cashier, 
the janitor is in the wrong place—they are smart, brilliant even. This is my 
attempt to fix one of those lost pieces.”

In an interview with the Huffington 
 the writer — a 23-year-old founder of Echo Republic — says that as a software 
engineer, “I see a glitch and I want to fix the glitch.” If I didn’t know 
better, I would think that McConlogue had been invented by author and internet 
gadfly Evgeny Morozov, who has become known for criticizing the 
technology-based mindset he calls 
 which sees the internet and gadgets as the answer to virtually any societal 
problem. McConlogue is like the poster child for this viewpoint.

In fact, the “technology will fix you” mentality in the piece was so 
overwhelming that at least some people in my Twitter stream thought it was a 
 — a satire of Silicon Valley’s startup mentality and the focus on programming 
as the cure for every ill. Within a matter of hours, Harvard law student Sarah 
Jeong had created a Medium post that consisted of entries from a fictional 
advice column<https://medium.com/p/d7e5d14065f1>, where the answer to every 
personal problem is to learn how to code.

After reaching its peak at 117CE, the Roman Empire collapsed due to its total 
inability to teach its citizens to code.—
Anil Dash (@anildash) August 22, 

A certain tone-deaf eagerness

Jessica Roy at Betabeat told McConlogue 
 “the homeless are not bit players in your imaginary entrepreneurial novella,” 
and Ezra Klein at the Washington Post said the most objectionable part of the 
essay was the writer’s 
 to “absorb this homeless man — a real person, with an actual history that 
McConlogue can’t really intuit by looking into his eyes — into his precanned, 
triumphant programmer narrative.” Kevin Roose at New York magazine 
 “Check back soon for McConlogue’s next post: ‘How Ruby on Rails Fixes Racism.’”

In an update and response to the outcry over his original post, McConlogue says 
he remains undaunted by the criticism he received, and that Leo — the homeless 
person he mentioned — has accepted his 
offer<https://medium.com/architecting-a-life/ae059ddffd2e> of programming 
instruction manuals and a free Chromebook instead of $100. He also says that he 
plans a meetup in New York in the future in order to “discuss some of the 
feedback” to his post and suggests this would be “a good venue for non-profits 
to connect around the issue of homelessness.”


It seems obvious that McConlogue’s heart is in the right place, and that he 
genuinely wants to help this young homeless man, just as it seems obvious (or 
at least arguable) that Mark Zuckerberg actually wants to try and improve the 
lives of people around the world who are without internet access — although it 
also seems likely that Internet.org<http://Internet.org> is designed in part to 
create more 
 for Facebook. And it seems tone-deaf at best to describe a lack of internet 
access as “one of the biggest problems” the world faces. What about access to 
clean drinking water?

The flaws in technological solutionism

Dan Gillmor made another good point in a post about 
Internet.org<http://Internet.org> at The Guardian, which is that having 
internet access isn’t really going to help people in countries like China or 
Iran or dozens of other places because those countries 
 what their citizens can do online — in some cases significantly — and also 
track them and their behavior. Shouldn’t we be using our influence to push for 
a more open internet for those countries, not just access?

That’s what makes both McConlogue’s piece and Internet.org<http://Internet.org> 
so frustrating in a way: they are both well-meaning, and yet still betray a 
misunderstanding about the problems they are allegedly targeting. Leo may 
strike McConlogue as<https://medium.com/architecting-a-life/ae059ddffd2e> 
“smart, logical and articulate,” but he could be dealing with a host of things 
that have driven him to where he is, from drug abuse or mental illness to 
family problems and other complex psychological issues.

Learning to code may be valuable, but the idea that Leo is going to become some 
kind of entrepreneurial superstar after being given a few JavaScript manuals is 
pretty laughable. Could it happen? Sure. Is it even remotely likely? No.

The kind of bootstrapped, do-it-yourself mentality that McConlogue’s post is 
filled with is an admirable trait, and much good has come from it. And 
Zuckerberg’s focus on internet access for all has a powerful rationale to it as 
well, and could improve the lives of many. But it’s possible to admire those 
things and yet still be disappointed in how they fall short of even trying to 
understand the fundamental nature of the problems they 
 allegedly trying to solve.

Update: For more thoughtful criticism of this trend, check out this open 
 to Mark Zuckerberg from UC Berkeley sociologist Jen Schradie about his 
technological determinism.

Post and thumbnail images courtesy of Shutterstock / 
noporn<http://www.shutterstock.com/gallery-710830p1.html> and Flickr user Jason 

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