On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 9:44 PM, Uncle Zzzen <unclezz...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Maybe one day JS will introduce signed code :)

Coming at that from a different angle...

tl;dr [1]

It's possible to sign JS, it's just a pain.  See for example:

If the SPA[2] concept is reduced to atomic documents[3] then signing a
web app and it's code becomes feasible[4] with some planning and

FWIW, I'll start signing Atomic OS reference implementations[7] in my
next release.


[1] <view-source:http://tjl73.altervista.org/HTML_sign_tutorial/example.html>
[2] Single Page Application
[3] "The Atomic Client Document" at <http://code.google.com/p/atomos/>
[4] If there's only one signature to verify, it should be easier to
convince people to do so
[5] For transparency to work, minification should be avoided and
probably most 3rd party libraries as well
[6] Embedded binaries (ie images) need to be kept to a minimum due to
size concerns
[7] <http://psema4.github.io/Atomic-OS/>

  Scott Elcomb         @psema4
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