January 20, 2014
The strange connection between the NSA and an Ontario tech firm
For more than six years, one of the central items listed in the Cryptographic 
Module Validation Program has had a well-known backdoor, a means of rendering 
the encryption ineffective

At the heart of digital security is the concept of encryption – making 
information indecipherable to anyone who doesn't have the right passcode.

And since 1995, any software developer building encryption for technology they 
intended to sell to the American or Canadian government has had to consult 
something called the Cryptographic Module Validation Program. It's a list of 
algorithms blessed by the CMVP that are, according to the government agencies 
that publish it, "accepted by the Federal Agencies of both countries for the 
protection of sensitive information."

There's only one problem. For more than six years, one of the central items 
listed in the CMVP – an algorithm for generating the random numbers that form 
the foundations of an encryption scheme – has had a glaring and well-known 
backdoor, a means of rendering the encryption totally ineffective.

"This has been known since 2006," said Steve Marquess, co-founder of the 
OpenSSL Software Foundation. "Why the heck was this officially blessed? A lot 
of my colleagues and a lot of people in the cryptography community are asking 
that question."

Today, many of those people are coming to the conclusion that the flaws in the 
algorithm were not the product of sloppy work, but deliberately inserted to 
make it easy for at least one spy agency – the National Security Agency – to 
break the encryption.

Because the algorithm in question made it onto the CMVP, it was used by dozens 
of technology companies looking to make their products government-approved.

Such companies include BlackBerry Ltd. – which not only uses the algorithm, but 
also owns the patent on the concepts that form its foundations.

In addition to BlackBerry, companies such as RSA Security LLC, Cisco Systems 
Inc., Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., Symantec Corp. are all known to have 
implemented the algorithm in some of their products.

And the revelation that American and Canadian agencies (the CMVP is a joint 
venture between the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology and the 
Communications Security Establishment Canada) gave its blessing to a 
compromised encryption scheme has erupted into a major scandal within the 
cryptography community, the roots of which can be traced back to a Mississauga 
computer security firm.

In early 2005, two employees at Mississauga-based Certicom Corp. began filing a 
patent application for a type of random number generator using a mathematical 
concept called elliptic curves. The patent also described another functionality 
– a set of keys that could be used, for example, by "trusted law enforcement 
agents" to do an end-run around the encryption. (Dan Brown, one of the Certicom 
employees who filed the patent, did not respond to a request for comment.)

At the time, the patent generated relatively little interest. But in 2007, the 
NIST released its new list of approved encryption algorithms. There were four 
items on the list, one of which was called Dual Elliptic Curve Deterministic 
Random Bit Generator, or Dual_EC_DRBG for short.

From the very beginning, cryptographic researchers noticed something strange 

Dual_EC. In 2007, two Microsoft researchers showed that the algorithm contained 
a set of constants that, when combined with a secret key, could essentially 
break the encryption generated by Dual_EC. In effect, Dual_EC implemented in 
the real world a version of the backdoor described in the Certicom patent.

Nobody could say for certain who had the secret key. But the very existence of 
such a backdoor caused security researchers to strongly urge a boycott of 

"While we were saying don't use it, don't use it, government contractors were 
demanding it," security researcher Bruce Schneier said.

For years, many wondered why the NIST in America and CSEC in Canada would 
continue to give their official blessing to a compromised algorithm. Last year, 
a potential answer to that question emerged, when documents leaked by Edward 
Snowden revealed the NSA to be a holder of the Dual_EC secret keys – 
essentially, allowing the spy agency to crack the encryption at will. In 
addition, a Reuters report in December revealed that the NSA had paid RSA 
Security LLC $10-million to continue making Dual_EC the default form of 
encryption on its products.

In BlackBerry's case, an NIST fact sheet shows the company implemented the 
algorithm as part of its cryptography toolkit for its BlackBerry 10 Enterprise 
service, among other products. But BlackBerry's relationship with Dual_EC is 
even closer than other companies. In 2009, the company purchased Certicom – in 
the process acquiring the patent that forms the basis for the Dual_EC algorithm.

Given the company's adamant denials in recent years that it offers backdoor 
access to intelligence agencies, critics argue BlackBerry owes its customers 
and shareholders an explanation.

"While it is true that many engineers and others were aware of this compromised 
algorithm, and the engineering security community as a whole is now dealing 
with this apparent lack of integrity among its members, in the case of 
BlackBerry's knowledge of the backdoors the implications are far more serious," 
said Ronald Deibert, director of the Citizen Lab at the University of Toronto's 
Munk School of Global Affairs. "Users of BlackBerry the world over ... must now 
assume without evidence to the contrary that all of their communications are 
shared with security services, and possibly industry competitors as well."

BlackBerry did not respond to a request for comment for this story.

A CSEC spokesperson would not say whether the Canadian agency had any say in 
including Dual_EC in the list of approved algorithms. "Guidance approved by 
NIST and CSE recommends several different algorithms which commercial 
developers can choose to implement in their products," the spokesperson said. 
"CSE continually reviews its guidance on algorithm use. Accordingly, we will 
update our guidance once our latest review, currently under way, is complete."

In September, the NIST began urging users not to use Dual_EC any more. A 
spokesperson said "community concerns" prompted the change. "NIST takes 
seriously the concerns of the cryptographic community, which plays an integral 
role in the development of cryptographic standards," the spokesperson said.

But researchers are now questioning what other backdoors have yet to be 
discovered, and whether the NSA made similar payments to other companies to 
keep flawed algorithms in use. "This is the poison of NSA action, they taint 
everything," Mr. Schneier said. "You have no idea what has been tainted, so you 
think everything is tainted."

Ronald Deibert
Director, the Citizen Lab 
and the Canada Centre for Global Security Studies
Munk School of Global Affairs
University of Toronto
(416) 946-8916

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