
There are more details to it than what's described here - more damning.
I believe most, if not all, of the documents I saw should be released tomorrow.

I am planning on writing a detailed oped, which I hope will appear tomorrow.


CSEC used airport Wi-Fi to track Canadian travellers: Edward Snowden documents
Electronic snooping was part of a trial run for U.S. NSA and other foreign 
By Greg Weston, Glenn Greenwald, Ryan Gallager, CBC News Posted: Jan 30, 2014 
8:59 PM ET Last Updated: Jan 30, 2014 10:00 PM ET

A top secret document retrieved by U.S. whistleblower Edward Snowdenand 
obtained by CBC News shows that Canada's electronic spy agency used information 
from the free internet service at a major Canadian airport to track the 
wireless devices of thousands of ordinary airline passengers for days after 
they left the terminal.

After reviewing the document, one of Canada's foremost authorities on 
cyber-security says the clandestine operation by the Communications Security 
Establishment Canada ( CSEC) was almost certainly illegal.

Ronald Deibert told CBC News: "I can't see any circumstance in which this would 
not be unlawful, under current Canadian law, under our Charter, under CSEC's 

The spy agency is supposed to be collecting primarily foreign intelligence by 
intercepting overseas phone and internet traffic, and is prohibited by law from 
targeting Canadians or anyone in Canada without a judicial warrant.

As CSEC chief John Forster recently stated: "I can tell you that we do not 
target Canadians at home or abroad in our foreign intelligence activities, nor 
do we target anyone in Canada.

"In fact, it's prohibited by law. Protecting the privacy of Canadians is our 
most important principle."

But security experts who have been apprised of the document point out the 
airline passengers in a Canadian airport were clearly in Canada.

CSEC said in a written statement to CBC News that it is "mandated to collect 
foreign signals intelligence to protect Canada and Canadians. And in order to 
fulfill that key foreign intelligence role for the country, CSEC is legally 
authorized to collect and analyze metadata."

Metadata reveals a trove of information including, for example, the location 
and telephone numbers of all calls a person makes and receives — but not the 
content of the call, which would legally be considered a private communication 
and cannot be intercepted without a warrant.

"No Canadian communications were (or are) targeted, collected or used," the 
agency says.

In the case of the airport tracking operation, the metadata apparently 
identified travelers' wireless devices, but not the content of calls made or 
emails sent from them.

Black Code

Diebert is author of the book Black Code: Inside the Battle for Cyberspace, 
which is about internet surveillance, and he heads the world-renowned Citizen 
Lab cyber research program at the University of Toronto's Munk School of Global 

He says that whatever CSEC calls it, the tracking of those passengers was 
nothing less than an "indiscriminate collection and analysis of Canadians' 
communications data," and he could not imagine any circumstances that would 
have convinced a judge to authorize it.

A passenger checks his cellphone while boarding a flight in Boston in October. 
The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration issued new guidelines under which 
passengers will be able to use electronic devices from the time they board to 
the time they leave the plane, which will also help electronic spies to keep 
tabs on them. (Associated Press)
The latest Snowden document indicates the spy service was provided with 
information captured from unsuspecting travellers' wireless devices by the 
airport's free Wi-Fi system over a two-week period.

Experts say that probably included many Canadians whose smartphone and laptop 
signals were intercepted without their knowledge as they passed through the 

The document shows the federal intelligence agency was then able to track the 
travellers for a week or more as they — and their wireless devices — showed up 
in other Wi-Fi "hot spots" in cities across Canada and even at U.S. airports.

That included people visiting other airports, hotels, coffee shops and 
restaurants, libraries, ground transportation hubs, and any number of places 
among the literally thousands with public wireless internet access.

The document shows CSEC had so much data it could even track the travellers 
back in time through the days leading up to their arrival at the airport, these 
experts say.

While the documents make no mention of specific individuals, Deibert and other 
cyber experts say it would be simple for the spy agency to have put names to 
all the Canadians swept up in the operation. 

All Canadians with a smartphone, tablet or laptop are "essentially carrying 
around digital dog tags as we go about our daily lives," Deibert says.

Anyone able to access the data that those devices leave behind on wireless 
hotspots, he says, can obtain "extraordinarily precise information about our 
movements and social relationships."

Trial run for NSA

The document indicates the passenger tracking operation was a trial run of a 
powerful new software program CSEC was developing with help from its U.S. 
counterpart, the National Security Agency.

In the document, CSEC called the new technologies "game-changing," and said 
they could be used for tracking "any target that makes occasional forays into 
other cities/regions."

Sources tell CBC News the technologies tested on Canadians in 2012 have since 
become fully operational.

CSEC claims "no Canadian or foreign travellers' movements were 'tracked,'" 
although it does not explain why it put the word "tracked" in quotation marks.

Deibert says metadata is "way more powerful that the content of communications. 
You can tell a lot more about people, their habits, their relationships, their 
friendships, even their political preferences, based on that type of metadata."

The document does not say exactly how the Canadian spy service managed to get 
its hands on two weeks' of travellers' wireless data from the airport Wi-Fi 
system, although there are indications it was provided voluntarily by a 
"special source."

The country's two largest airports — Toronto and Vancouver — both say they have 
never supplied CSEC or other Canadian intelligence agency with information on 
passengers' Wi-Fi use.

Alana Lawrence, a spokesperson for the Vancouver Airport Authority, says it 
operates the free Wi-Fi there, but does "not in any way store any personal data 
associated with it," and has never received a request from any Canadian 
intelligence agency for it.

A U.S.-based company, Boingo, is the largest independent supplier of Wi-Fi 
services at other Canadian airports, including Pearson International in Toronto.

Spokesperson Katie O'Neill tells CBC News: "To the best of our knowledge, 
[Boingo] has not provided any information about any of our users to the 
Canadian government, law enforcement or intelligence agencies."

It is also unclear from the document how CSEC managed to penetrate so many 
wireless systems to see who was using them — specifically, to know every time 
someone targeted at the airport showed up on one of those other Wi-Fi networks 

Deibert and other experts say the federal intelligence agency must have gained 
direct access to at least some of the country's main telephone and internet 
pipelines, allowing the mass-surveillance of Canadian emails and phone calls.

'Blown away'

Ontario's privacy commissioner Ann Cavoukian says she is "blown away" by the 

"It is really unbelievable that CSEC would engage in that kind of surveillance 
of Canadians. Of us.

"I mean that could have been me at the airport walking around… This resembles 
the activities of a totalitarian state, not a free and open society."

Privacy commissioner Ann Cavoukian. (Colin Perkel/Canadian Press)
Experts say the document makes clear CSEC intended to share both the 
technologies and future information generated by it with Canada's official 
spying partners — the U.S., Britain, New Zealand and Australia, the so-called 
Five Eyes intelligence network.

Indeed, the spy agency boasts in its leaked document that, in an apparently 
separate pilot project, it obtained access to two communications systems with 
more than 300,000 users, and was then able to "sweep" an entire mid-sized 
Canadian city to pinpoint a specific imaginary target in a fictional kidnapping.

The document dated May 2012 is a 27-page power-point presentation by CSEC 
describing its airport tracking operation.

While the document was in the trove of secret NSA files retrieved by Snowden, 
it bears CSEC's logo and clearly originated with the Canadian spy service.

Wesley Wark, a renowned authority on international security and intelligence, 
agrees with Deibert.

"I cannot see any way in which it fits CSEC's legal mandate."

Wark says the document suggests CSEC was "trying to push the technological 
boundaries" in part to impress its other international counterparts in the 
Five-Eyes intelligence network.

"This document is kind of suffused with the language of technological gee-whiz."

Wark says if CSEC's use of "very powerful and intrusive technological tools" 
puts it outside its mandate and even the law, "then you are in a situation for 
democracy where you simply don't want to be."   

Like Wark and other experts interviewed for this story, Deibert says there's no 
question Canada needs CSEC to be gathering foreign intelligence, "but they must 
do it within a framework of proper checks and balances so their formidable 
powers can never be abused. And that's the missing ingredient right now in 

The only official oversight of CSEC's spying operations is a retired judge 
appointed by the prime minister, and reporting to the minister of defence who 
is also responsible for the intelligence agency.

CSEC's defanged watchdog: Greg Weston
"Here we clearly have an agency of the state collecting in an indiscriminate 
and bulk fashion all of Canadian communications and the oversight mechanism is 
flimsy at best," Deibert says.

"Those to me are circumstances ripe for potential abuse."

CSEC spends over $400 million a year, and employs about 2,000 people, almost 
half of whom are involved in intercepting phone conversations, and hacking into 
computer systems supposedly in other countries.

It has long been Canada's most secretive spy agency, responding to almost all 
questions about its operations with reassurances it is doing nothing wrong.

Privacy watchdog Cavoukian says there has to be "greater openness and 
transparency because without that there can be no accountability.

"This trust-me model that the government is advancing and CSEC is advancing – 
'Oh just trust us, we're doing the right thing, don't worry' — yes, worry! We 
have very good reason to worry."

In the U.S., Snowden exposed massive metadata collection by the National 
Security Agency, which is said to have scooped up private phone and internet 
records of more than 100 million Americans.

A U.S. judge recently called the NSA's metadata collection an Orwellian 
surveillance program that is likely unconstitutional.

The public furor over NSA snooping prompted a White House review of the 
American spy agency's operations, and President Barack Obama recently vowed to 
clamp down on the collection and use of metadata.

Cavoukian says Canadians deserve nothing less.

"Look at the U.S. — they've been talking about these matters involving national 
security for months now very publicly because the public deserves answers.

"And that's what I would tell our government, our minister of national defence 
and our prime minister: We demand some answers to this."

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Ronald Deibert
Director, the Citizen Lab 
and the Canada Centre for Global Security Studies
Munk School of Global Affairs
University of Toronto
(416) 946-8916

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