FYI, anonymous torrenting is possible over I2P. While slower than regular
torrenting, it works fine and don't need any high capacity servers.

- Sent from my tablet
Den 9 jul 2014 17:46 skrev "Griffin Boyce" <>:

> Nick wrote:
> > Quoth edhelas:
> >> What about a Torrent ? We can easily share the magnet everywhere
> >
> > Note that there is a torrent of the cryptome archive up to 2011:
> > magnet:?xt=urn:btih:ba401110a60ad844a09d4219e5f95a46385f7410
> >
> > But yes, bittorrent seems like a reasonable way to distribute this
> > sort of stuff. That said, it is not anonymous, so a hidden service
> > as the originating place seems sensible.
>   Also keep in mind that it's possible to spy on who downloads these
> just by seeding the torrent and monitoring connections to your box.  So
> it's certainly not anonymous.  I'd say hidden service first, a website
> second, and torrent third.
> ~Griffin
> --
> Wherever truth, love and laughter abide, I am there in spirit.
> -Bill Hicks
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