On Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 07:17:18PM +0100, Christian Huldt wrote:
> Who are mailchimps.com and why should I trust them?

Spammers for hire, and no, you shouldn't -- doubly so since (like many
such operations) they embed unique-per-recipient tracking links in every
message they send.  Last time I checked they were operating over 300
domains -- e.g., mcsv94.net, mcsv95.net, mcsv96.net.  This is a tactic
used exclusively by spammers who are attempt to evade domain-based
blacklisting: there is absolutely no legitimate purpose for it.

The best way for GovLab to avoid all of this is to set up a Mailman
instance in-house.  As Ken over at the PopeHat blog has astutely observed,
when you outsource your email, you outsource your reputation.  And I'll
add to that that you also surrender the privacy of your readers to third
parties unknown to you.

That's also the best way for everyone else.  If you're trying to do
something with a mailing list that Mailman doesn't do, there's a very good
chance that what you're trying to do is wrong, stupid, silly or abusive.
(Yes, Mailman is *that* good.  And it's very well supported by an active
community.  I could use anything I want -- or write my own -- but I use
it because I think I think it's the best available by a wide margin.)

Liberationtech is public & archives are searchable on Google. Violations of 
list guidelines will get you moderated: 
https://mailman.stanford.edu/mailman/listinfo/liberationtech. Unsubscribe, 
change to digest, or change password by emailing moderator at 

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