
You ask a good question… likely many will answer on the list.

Let me provide a list of a few resources that could be of interest.

Herdict is a user-driven platform for identifying web blockages as they happen

Open Observatory of Network Interference (OONI)
A free software, global observation network for detecting censorship, surveillance and traffic manipulation on the internet

The OpenNet Initiative - a collaborative project that concluded in 2014 that was a pioneer in documenting internet censorship and internet controls.

The Access series represents three edited volumes published by the OpenNet Initiative and MIT Press that document nearly a decade of extensive technical and in-field research on the trends and patterns shaping information controls around the world.

I’ll let others share other resources and tools…


Robert Guerra
Phone: +1 416-893-0377
Twitter: twitter.com/netfreedom
Email: rgue...@privaterra.org
PGP Keys : https://keybase.io/rguerra

On 15 Aug 2015, at 22:18, Tanya Rabourn wrote:

Hi all,

I know several of you monitor Internet blocking and other interference by governments, so I have a couple questions for you. Is there a site somewhere that gives up-to-the minute information about who is blocking what? Is there a guide that outlines how to use tools for monitoring blocking or bandwidth throttling (including tools for use *inside* the country)?



Tanya Rabourn
User Experience Designer
Doctoral Candidate, The University of Texas at Austin

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