Hey all, RadioYo is looking for beta testers who want to host their own
free online radio show. 

We were thinking that since our platform is available worldwide that
there might be some interest from people within countries where the
government controls the media.  If you're in a country where the media
flourishes that's OK too.  We're open to all comers.

Plus, we would never think of using political correctness to silence
your voice. So there is absolutely nothing holding you back from hosting
a radio show you're passionate about whether it's politics, government,
sports, entertainment and lifestyle, arts and culture, education,
business, travel or national affairs.

The time for sitting idly by is over and the time for taking charge is
here. You have a voice, use it. If you don't show your sympathies, who
will? If you do not articulate your values and beliefs, who will? Host
your own free online radio show and have your voice heard.

Sound interesting? Ping for details and we'll set you up.

Steven Blinn
/RadioYo...//Host your own free online radio show and have your voice

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