> Wrong, the whole theory of individual rights is just as much an
> abstract as community is. If you don't think so, then the alternative
> is the law of jungle, or as Mr. Shirley says, the person with the
> biggest hammer. Just because we are moving back in the direction of the
> law of the jungle, doesn't mean that all rule of law (or abstracts) is a
> scam, it only means that what passes for rule of law today is.
> Goat

Yup. The reason that we get to live to a ripe old age is because
we don't get left with the kill or be killed choice that you get without
law and civilization. That doesn't mean you can't have a libertarian
society. The one I grew up in was pretty much that way back when Nevada
had a minarchy rather than a State. (Defined as a government which has
become it's own primary constituency.)

A libertarian society wouldn't require a coercive state and its endless
laws to be civilized.  Neo Cons tend to believe that other people are
evil, and thus must be watched by the States enforcers. Neo Libs tend
to believe that other people are stupid, and thus must be "protected"
by the States enforcers. Combine the two, and one has a rather familiar
warfare/welfare state. I was once a minarchist, until I realized the
folly of the position.
                                                             Tu Ne Cede Malis 

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