At 01:38 PM 5/11/2008, you wrote:

On Sun, 11 May 2008 04:16:02 -0700, Zack Bass <<>[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> What a horribly disgusting conclusion. Unfortunately, I fear you are
> correct.

That bill could well be the one that keeps Obama out of the
Whitehouse. Previous UN attempts to disarm us have left a very nasty
taste in everybodies mouths.

Then I hope you are looking forward to that psycho McCain being
Dear Leader. If you think our current Dear Leader is bad, wait until
you see what McCain and the Neo Cons have in store, once they
are back in power.  McCain is NO friend of the 2nd Amendment, or
any other part of the Bill of Rights or Constitution for that matter.
In fact, he thinks that Bush hasn't gone nearly far enough with
the centralization of power in the Executive. People had a real
choice this time in Ron Paul. But the damn fools don't want that choice.
Be it upon their own heads in consequence.
                                                             Tu Ne Cede Malis 

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