At 04:01 PM 3/22/2009, you wrote:

>Hash: SHA1
>On Sunday 22 March 2009, Wraith was heard to say:
> > >Godwin's Law strikes again.
> >
> > Interesting that you bring that up. You are aware of the
> > implications of invoking
> > that, especially in this context? :)
>I disagree with the corollary that the discussion is over and the
>first person saying it loses. I don't believe that applies.
>As to further change, well, with the economic collapse I think people
>are going to want actual "change", so they will be handed a "change"
>that doesn't change anything. Again.

Oh, but don't we currently have "A change you can believe in"?? <very 
evil grin>
I quite agree that when things get bad enough, the sheepeople are going to
start looking for a Strong Leader to "save" them.  Then things are likely to
get Really Bad(tm).  

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