The Law of the Excluded Middle is Rand's "either-or". Every statement is either 
true or false. Attempts have been made to construct "non-Aristotelian" or 
so-called "multi-valued logics." (Cf. Kramer 1970, 132-133.) But no such 
structure is truly assertable; to make an assertion is to claim that something 
is true rather than false. Note the absurdity of attempting to claim that it is 
true that a "three-valued" logic is valid, and therefore Aristotelian logic is 

--- In LibertarianEnterprise@yahoogroups.com, "Zack Bass" <zak...@...> wrote:
> --- In LibertarianEnterprise@yahoogroups.com, Wraith <wraith@> wrote:
> > 
> > "You're either with us, or you're with...."
> > Perfect dichotomies tend to lend themselves to
> > fallacies rather easily.
> >
> That's stupid.  Yours is a FALSE Dichotomy.
> A perfect Dichotomy would be, "Either you are with us, or you are NOT with 
> us."  THAT isnot a Fallacy.
> All you need for a perfect Dichotomy is a statement, and the logical negation 
> of that statement.
> A OR NOT A.  Ring a bell?

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