> The issue is "restitution" vs "retribution/revenge".

Agreed.  Perhaps I wasn't clear.

When i said Libertopia doesn't do "Punishment" well,  i was considering this 
a positive aspect.

Even if considered in the negative light,  I think it would be a good 
exchange to make for a society and a culture built around respecting the 

But indeed, that would make it very difficult to strike fear into the heart 
of an evil doer....

Unless he could do math.

If A Murdered B,  And B's family got a judgement against him, they could 
sell the debt to a collection agency.

A could travel the world and hide in the deepest holes,  but the kinds of 
mooks and palookas who repo cars and think "Dawg the Bounty Hunter" is cool 
would chase A to the ends of creation, hounding him to pay his debt

Which is accruing interest.


Okay.  So I am Acme Collections.  Bubba and Squinty Rico just caught A and 
shook him down for a few ounces of silver.

A owes me a couple of pallets worth of gold.

I had better figure how to put A to work in a very lucrative way.

What does our gallery think of a long term labor contract?  Functionally 
this would wind up being a sort of light weight indentured servitude.  But I 
can't imagine any other way to take an ordinary Joe and recover what, in 
todays money would wind up being something like a million and a half 
dollars.  That kind of bread is outside of most ppeople's expected life time 

On another list I figured there might be a sort of "Extreme Stunts" game 
show where desperate people are offered large piles of money to do stupidly 
dangerous yet entertaining things.

Like mixing Extreme Sports with Japanese Game shows.

"Could an untrained person really land an airplane by being talked down by 
the tower?  If Mister A succeeds, we'll pay twenty percent of his 
murder-debt.  Is he that desperate?  Is he that crazy?  Stay Tuned for the 
Zack Bass Show and Find out!"

But I am having a hard time figuring out how else Mister a might pay down 
his debt.

Jay ~meow!~ 

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