Rick Stanley
Constitutional Activist
Phone: 303-329-0481
We the People Scoop 1/10/06
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OPINION RELEASE: "Warning: Enemies Among Us = Takeover"

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mary Ann Ponder" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: "Warning: Enemies Among Us = Takeover" by Rose King ... apfn.org Ken

> Disclaimer:  Having received this email... I have decided to forward.  This is
written in a "venacular" that I would not choose and from a perspective that
might at first turn some people "off".... However, from my research and emails
(especially most recent) I believe it very possible that the information
contained is largely correct.
>   Going to info.com, I attempted to do some research on Los Companoros ... I
found a LOT of links, ALL is mexican and NONE in English!  You can see more
information on this subject
>   The Mexica Movement.....   http://www.mexica-movement.org/
>   Also The San Diego Plan....
>   This "plan" advocates the killing of all white males over the age of 16.
>   It is my firm belief that we need the National Guard troops at home
defending the legal American citizens here (those already not committed to UN /
nwo plans), with emergency survival plans and emergency food reserves, etc - and
a local militia in each community that is well armed, well trained and ready to
mobilize at a moment's notice..... It is critical that in each county the local
sheriff is on "our side" and not also already committed to UN / nwo causes.. and
in some cases, this allegience has already been pleged.  As the top, local,
elected official - those in this position are the only ones legally that can
defend us from forces that might not be used to our best interests. This is just
from my perspective as a white, "defenseless" ("old") lady ... and totally
dependent upon others as protecters... and the gov has proven beyond a shadow of
a doubt that they are totally unreliable.
>   Committed
>   Live Free or Die
>   Mary Ann Ponder
>   AR
>     "ROSE KING" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Add to Address Book  Add Mobile Alert
> Date: Fri, 6 Jan 2006 17:30:44 -0800 (PST)
> Subject: [apfn-1] WARNING!!!
>   Citizens of Durango Colorado and surrounding areas of
> the Country:
>   Beware of Mexican female and male Army infiltrators in
> your town amongst you. They have set up a major
> weapons, drugs, and terrorist smuggling operation here
> in Durango. They are located in the 7 th and 7 th
> area. The head office for Los Companaros is at:
>   These covert Mexican national agents have been
> infiltrating your community for years slowly working
> their way into your homes with the fake smiles, smooth
> talk, and fine appetites for dancing in your late
> night bars like the Summit and more particularly the
> communist strong hold, the Abbey Theater. There is one
> short little guy that came here about a year ago in a
> military uniform at first and is now running around in
> plain clothes like his cohort female agents of the
> Mexican Gov that have been invading for years. There
> is another woman who goes about town with other female
> agents in tow and works for the group Los Companeros.
>   These enemy agents of the U. S. are here with ulterior
> motives and they are not good for you or your country.
> They are bankrolled by the UN globalists to bring
> terror to your town when the coming fall happens. They
> along with the rest of the illegal immigrant armies
> that have been slowly infiltrating into this country
> over all it's unguarded borders have one common
> agenda. The destruction of the United States of
> America. The want to reclaim it and call it AZTLAN in
> the new world order! This is the booty the globalists
> have promised them for aiding in the takeover of this
> country. They will fight along with its foreign
> mercenary UN army to take this country down. The plan
> is to kill as many as they can and create more chaos
> in the coming anarchy and Martial Law that will act as
> the precursor to these hostile actions against the
> people of your community. This breakdown could be
> caused by a possible planed flu out break this year or
> the beginning of the next, or some incident caused
> involving Iran or Syria. The globalists were behind
> 911 and will be behind the next planed Gov sponsored
> event if this country does not wake up NOW!
>   The Mexicans have been promised AZTLAN as their prize
> in trade for their help in the takeover of this
> country and are slowly getting into place for the
> surprise attacks. They are here in your town DURANGO
> walking the streets at night and your sleepwalking and
> refusal to awaken will be your downfall unless you
> wake up your community now and rid yourself of this
> plague. You must remain vigilant and aware of your
> enemies. Do your homework overtime on this one because
> there is not much time left before this plan is
> implemented. Know your neighbors. Know which are true
> Americans and know those that are here to begin the
> New World Order in your own back yard. They are all
> here!
>   Because you're Gov., FBI, and all other intelligence
> services are all complicit in the cover up of 911 and
> this ultimate plan for the destruction of this country
> this information is being given to you directly. They
> can not be trusted by the citizens of Durango and all
> surrounding communities' country wide. They consider
> you the enemy seditionist rebels of the future. Even
> the newspaper is behind this cover up and won't report
> this story. The reputed protectors of this country
> would not do a thing to stop this invasion; instead
> they would try to silence the voice of God trying to
> warn you about the beast and this Mexican plan of
>   YOU MUST ACT NOW because if you do not take heed of
> this warning, these agents of the UN have been
> promised the pick of the litter for their help to
> overthrow this country. Many of those women that this
> short Agent provocateur has been taking information
> about will become sex slaves or sold into slavery in
> AZTLAN. The rest will be killed along with all males
> over 16. This is also the plan of SAN DEIGO.
>   These evil people are easily known because they hate
> with a passion all white people. They openly declare
> they want to kill all white people. This hate is being
> fueled by UN globalists like Mark Larson the
> republican punk for Bush. The plan is to start a race
> war between Mexicans, Black people, and Whites. Most
> people are so stupid they will fall for it. They will
> pit all sides against the others using provocateur
> agents like these Mexican LA MECHA agents. Their
> agenda is RECONQUISTA and the retaking of the entire
> western United States. They are LA RAZA (the race) and
> the agenda is exactly like that of the Nazi
> extermination program for the Jews. This is all part
> of the promised AGENDA 21 program and the destruction
> of America. Why are you so stupid to allow it America?
> Has Satan convinced you that animal sex,
> homosexuality, rampant drug and alcohol use, total
> debauchery, and a slip into the cesspool of morality
> is good for you? It will be your own destruction
> because you are so stuck in this hell world you don't
> even see the real dangers amongst you and your coming
> impending doom.
>   Mexicans calling themselves LA RAZA have been invading
> your country unchecked at a rate of 10, 000,000 a
> year. They have been bringing in many forces, and have
> weapons caches all around you. They have been coming
> in with countless viruses and infectious diseases like
> Hooping Cough, Diphtheria, Tuberculoses, Scarlet
> Fever, Lepercy, AIDS, STD's, and other unchecked
> diseases. Many people have gotten sick from the
> illegles that work in Mexican and Chinese restaurants.
> Whole outbreaks of infectious diseases have not been
> reported for the very reason of protecting the cover
> up of this silent invasion. The real terrorists have
> also been coming in because they look just like
> Mexican nationals and no one takes notice unless NBC,
> ABC, or CNN says so because the media is complicit in
> the New World Order UN take over also.
>   There is another place where there is a bee hive of
> enemy activity. It is located in ironically, Center,
> Colorado. The Mexican armies in collusion with the
> Brown Berets there have completely taken over the
> entire San Luis Valley with all its agriculture and
> more importantly, the country's largest underground
> aquifer of water. This valley is a prize in the hat of
> the globalist's that are centered in Crestone,
> Colorado headed by Maurice Strong and his wife Hanna.
>   Many people that have been fooled into trusting these
> Mexican invaders will see them armed in the last
> blinks of their life when you become the victim of
> those you have allowed to be unchecked around you.
> They have pre-planed your murder as you allowed them
> into your house and places of trust. These Mexican and
> Chinese invaders as well as many others have been
> taking names, notes, and numbers for years. They have
> gotten into your hearts and homes to destroy you from
> within. Sounds pretty communist doesn't it! They have
> been gathering intelligence on all people in your
> neighborhoods and especially about those trouble
> making cowboys. These types will be rounded up the
> minute the orders are given for the take over guised
> as Martial Law. Mexicans are very sneaky, ruthless,
> convoys, and can not be trusted. Repeat! CAN NOT BE
>   YOU are to look up these subjects on your search
> engines and do not fail to exhaust your self in the
> study of this RECONQUISTA LA MECHA agenda. Do not fail
> your families by being lazy and complacent. If you do
> not awaken to this plan now, you are a lost town to
> the Satanic New World Order and nothing will save you
> once the first shots are fired. YOU must read about
> this hatful group of Mexican nationals that plan to
> kill all white males above 16. You must read their own
> declarations of hate and intents for you and this
> country in the reports you find.
> You better wake up now Durango CO, center of the four
> corners Mexican terrorist smuggling operation. You and
> the rest of the small towns around the country better
> awaken to the fact that your enemy is amongst you
> dancing the weekends away and taking names and
> numbers. They especially like the salsa music that
> shows up for a reason for them all to get together.
> There is a guy named Thomas also that is a field agent
> for the AZTLAN MOVEMENT that has recently taken up
> residence in your neighborhood. Look for his sweats
> and solstice gatherings that also serve as enemy agent
> meeting places.  You have to remember that these
> people HATE ALL WHITE PEOPLE, and any white man can
> easily detect them by reading the hate in their eyes.
> All Mexicans are suspect terrorists. WAKE UP YOU
> FOOLS!!!!
>   Look up these subjects and read for yourself all about
> this horrible invasion:
>   Aztlan
> Reconquista
> La Mecha
> La Raza
> Mexican invasion
> Mexican takeover of the Unites States
> Plan of San Diego
> Coming Martial Law
> http://www.mayorno.com/WhoIsMecha.html
> http://www.americanpatrol.com/MECHA/AZTLAN.html
> http://www.americanpatrol.com/MECHA/MEChAindex.html
> http://www.thenewamerican.com/tna/2002/05-06-2002/vo18no09_aztlan.htm
> http://www.panam.edu/orgs/mecha/nat.html
> http://www.illegalaliens.us/aztlan.htm
> http://latino.sscnet.ucla.edu/research/docs/struggle/aztlan.htm
> http://ccir.net/mecha.html
> http://dmoz.org/Society/Issues/Immigration/Reconquista/
> http://www.americanpatrol.com/ADS/ReconquistaReelectio970719.html
> http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/ReadArticle.asp?ID=13654
> http://www.canadafirst.net/immigration_rally/
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