Rick Stanley
Constitutional Activist
Phone: 303-329-0481
We the People Scoop 1/21/06
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RELEASE: Need help-- June Maxam To be Jailed Feb. 8
STANLEY NOTE:  June Maxam is another member of the Patriot A List at
http://www.stanley2002.org and the mirror website at
----- Original Message -----
From: "June Maxam"  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Rick Stanley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2006 6:23 PM
Subject:  Need help-- June Maxam To be Jailed Feb. 8
  Warren County Sheriff and Judge Retaliate Against Publisher-----
> > Help Requested
> >
> > Warren County Court Judge John S. Hall has ordered North Country Gazette
> > publisher June Maxam to report to court on Feb. 8 to be incarcarated based
> on a
> > wholly false certification and statement filed by the Warren County
> Sheriff's
> > Department claiming that Maxam has failed to serve a sentence imposed in
> 2000 by
> > Saratoga County Court Judge Jerry Scarano and must report to court Feb. 8
> to
> > serve 100 days.
> >    John Hall has absolutely no jurisdiction in the case and cannot assume
> the
> > case without court order and assignment.  There has been none because
> there is
> > no case.  The state case was concluded on April 30, 2003 after I had been
> forced
> > to serve six months in jail and fulfilled the judgment of conviction which
> was
> > obtained fraudulently by special prosecutor Gary Hobbs and Warren County
> > Sheriff's Department.
> >  The judge in the case was Saratoga County Court Judge Jerry Scarano whose
> wife
> > is the head of the Saratoga Springs Republican Committee.
> >    John Hall has absolutely no legal authority to issue any order in the
> 2000
> > case even if such an order had any validity or basis which it does not.
> >    The certification filed by "Corrections Captain" Michael Gates of the
> > sheriff's department is a false certificate, a class E felony.  Gates
> certifies
> > that Maxam served only 80 days of a 9 month sentence and Hall is ordering
> her to
> > report to serve the remaining 100 days.   It is a matter of public record
> with
> > dozens of witnesses that I was falsely imprisoned for 183 days.  I served
> the
> > sentence imposed for a conviction based on false testimony, police and
> > prosecutorial misconduct. That case is currently being reviewed in U.S.
> District
> > Court.  All other charges against me have been dismissed.
> >    As of this afternoon, when contacted by my attorney and asked for a
> copy of
> > all jail records pertaining to me, the sheriff's department refused.  My
> > attorney says she has never in her career been refused a copy of a
> client's jail
> > record. If the jail record is correctly submitted to my attorney---it will
> > unequivocably show that the sheriff's department has filed a false
> certification
> > with the court in an effort to cause me to be falsely jailed.  If they
> submit a
> > record which supports their claim that I have only served 80 days, I stand
> ready
> > to produce more than 50 witnesses as well as numerous documents including
> court
> > documents which will prove that Cleveland the sheriff department is lying.
> >    I have reqeusted to file criminal charges against Michael Gates for
> > falsification of business records, filing a false written instrument with
> the
> > intent to defraud, deceive and injure another person and have asked for a
> > complete investigation of Cleveland and the department in all matters
> relating
> > to me.  I would be grateful if others who have been following the abuse of
> power
> > and position by Cleveland against me also ask for an investigation of him
> and
> > the sheriff's department.  Complaints can be sent to the state Commission
> of
> > Investigation at [EMAIL PROTECTED] , the state director of
> Criminal
> > Justice Services at [EMAIL PROTECTED];  to Gov. Pataki at
> > http://www.ny.gov/governor/contact/index.html , and to the Public
> Integrity Unit
> > of the state Attorney General's office at
> > http://www.oag.state.ny.us/complaints/pdfs/piu001_complaint_form.pdf
> >    Written complaints on Hall can be filed with the state Commission on
> Judicial
> > Conduct at 38-40 State St., Albany, NY 12207.  Comments can be emailed to
> the
> > commission at [EMAIL PROTECTED]  and should also be filed with the
> district
> > administrative judge Caruso at [EMAIL PROTECTED] .  Anyone who
> can
> > attest that I was indeed incarcerated over Christmas 2000 in Saratoga
> County
> > Jail for 17 days and in Warren County Jail for 83 days from Feb. 7, 2003
> until
> > April 30, 2003 is asked to place their statement in writing to Judge John
> Hall,
> > Warren County Court, 1340 State Route 9, Lake George, NY 12845 as that
> also
> > proves that Gates and Cleveland have filed a false statement with the
> court.
> >    Anyone who visited me in jail, wrote to me in jail or received calls
> and
> > communications from me while I was in jail and can attest that I was
> indeed
> > incarcerated AFTER Aug. 2000 is asked to contact the court and other
> officials
> > to confirm that Cleveland and Gates have indeed made false statements to
> the
> > court trying to have me falsely incarcerated.
> >
> > For all too long, Warren County has been ruled by Cleveland's threats and
> > intimidation and retaliatory actions.  Anyone who dares challenge his
> wrongdoing
> > and coverups in office is falsely arrested, harassed and attempts made to
> > discredit them and destroy their livelihood.  This time he's gone too far.
> > Michael Gates should be criminally charged for
> > ยง 175.40 Issuing a false certificate.
> >     A person is guilty of issuing a false certificate when, being a public
> >   servant  authorized  by  law  to  make or issue official certificates or
> >   other official written instruments, and with intent to defraud,  deceive
> >   or  injure  another  person,  he issues such an instrument, or makes the
> >   same with intent that it be issued, knowing that  it  contains  a  false
> >   statement or false information.
> >     Issuing a false certificate is a class E felony.
> >
> > in addition to falsifying business records and filing a false written
> statement
> > with the court.  One of my premier witnesses to the fact that the
> sheriff's
> > department has filed a false written certtification with the court in
> order to
> > attempt to falsely imprison me is former Jail Commander Lt. Tony Papa and
> > numerous corrections officers (and even other inmates) who will attest
> that I
> > was incarcerated in Warren County Jail in 2003 which completed six months
> of
> > incarceration on charges that were obtained by Cleveland and Warren County
> by
> > Queensbury Court Clerk Carol Finamore, secretary to Judge Michael Muller,
> filing
> > three false written statements with the court and Grand Jury and then
> falsely
> > testifying under oath.  I was incarcerated for six months as the result of
> fraud
> > by Cleveland and the court----that is under review by the federal court.
> > It is obvious that once again Cleveland is attempting to shut down The
> North
> > Country Gazette as he and county officials have since 1992 and is
> retaliation
> > for the exercise of First Amendment rights.  However, there are absolutely
> no
> > open cases against me.  This is pure harassment and maliciousness.
> > Cleveland's attempt to incarcerate me comes three days after I was
> notified by
> > the Investigations Division of the state Comptroller's Office that they
> were
> > opening an investigation into Cleveland's handling of office furnishings
> and
> > furniture---taxpayer owned property---from his former office. It came
> after a
> > sealing order was issued and Cleveland was ordered by court order to
> return all
> > my records to me.  He hasn't and is in contempt of a court order.  It
> comes less
> > than a month after the 7 1/2 year old legally insufficient and
> unconstitutional
> > charges that Cleveland harassed me with for 7 1/2 years were dismissed.
> It came
> > two weeks after the article I published regarding his handling of the
> Ethan
> > Allen boat accident and his alleged handling of the fatal DWI accident
> involving
> > his Lt. Robert Smith, now the head of the department Marine Division.
> > Cleveland's action to incarcarate me on Feb. 8 comes day after notice was
> > received that a trial date has been set in the civil case I have against
> him for
> > his fraudulent handling of money and the Freedom of Information Law. When
> I
> > initially filed the complaint against him in 2002, he arranged to have me
> > incarcerated in Warren County Jail for 83 days in 2003---which he is now
> falsely
> > stating didn't occur.
> >    There is absolutely no doubt that Cleveland actions are retaliatory.
> If he's
> > claiming that I have owed 100 times since Aug. 2000----why has he waited
> for
> > over five years to ask the court to incarcerate me????????????  If I owed
> time
> > as he claims, why did he and Warren County release me from the jail on
> April 30,
> > 2003 with the full statement the judgment of July 2000 had been satisfied?
> >    It's time that Larry Cleveland he held accountable for his filing of
> false
> > statements.  It is absolutely indisputable that Michael Gates has made a
> false
> > certification for the purpose of causing my wrongful incarceration.  It
> has to
> > stop. Please help by asking for an investigation of Cleveland, Hall and
> Gates.
Disclaimer: Information shared in the We The People Scoop is not necessarily
the opinion of the editor or staff.  It is shared for information
purposes only and it is recommended that you come to your own conclusions.
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