I am pleased to announce libev 4.33!

Distribution: http://dist.schmorp.de/libev/libev-4.33.tar.gz
Changes: http://cvs.schmorp.de/libev/Changes?pathrev=rel-4_33

This release is mainly a bugfix/documentation/quality improvement release.

The "major" new feature is ev_io_modify, which can modify the event watch
mask in I/O watchers without incurring overhead caused by normally having
to check whether the fd changed (as ev_io_modify doesn't change the fd),
which can be substantial with some backends (i.e. epoll).

The complete Changes since 4.31 are:

4.33 Wed Mar 18 13:22:29 CET 2020
        - the 4.31 timerfd code wrongly changed the priority of the signal
          fd watcher, which is usually harmless unless signal fds are
          also used (found via cpan tester service).
        - the documentation wrongly claimed that user may modify fd and events
          members in io watchers when the watcher was stopped
          (found by b_jonas).
        - new ev_io_modify mutator which changes only the events member,
          which can be faster. also added ev::io::set (int events) method
          to ev++.h.
        - officially allow a zero events mask for io watchers. this should
          work with older libev versions as well but was not officially
          allowed before.
        - do not wake up every minute when timerfd is used to detect timejumps.
        - do not wake up every minute when periodics are disabled and we have
          a monotonic clock.
        - support a lot more "uncommon" compile time configurations,
          such as ev_embed enabled but ev_timer disabled.
        - use a start/stop wrapper class to reduce code duplication in
          ev++.h and make it needlessly more c++-y.
        - the linux aio backend is no longer compiled in by default.
        - update to libecb version 0x00010008.

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      ---==---(_)__  __ ____  __      Marc Lehmann
      --==---/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /      schm...@schmorp.de
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