On Tue, Oct 02, 2007 at 08:14:32PM -0700, Scott Lamb wrote:
> Trond Norbye wrote:
> > I thought that it was normal to name the libraries like 
> > lib<name>.so.<major>.<minor>.<micro> (eg: libevent.so.1.3.4) and create
> > symbolic links so the application may pick up the newest version of the
> > library (with the correct ABI) without re-linking the application.
> As did I, and I've wondered about this for a while.
> > 
> > Is there a good reason for not doing so?
> Nick, have you given any thought to this? I'm surprised to see your
> arguments about preserving compatibility considering that each client
> application needs to be relinked to pick up libevent bugfixes, and many
> versions of libevent kept around on systems where they haven't been.
> libevent's APIs (existing functions' signatures + "struct event" layout)
> changes infrequently enough that I think most releases could just be a
> minor version bump.

Agreed; I believe the only reason that neither Niels or I has made the
change is that neither of us knows libtool very well.  It would be
good if somebody would submit a patch to do the right thing, and
explain which numbers we need to bump in the future when the version
changes and/or when we lose backward compatibility.

With any luck, it's as simple as messing with libevent_la_LDFLAGS in
in Makefile.am.

Nick Mathewson

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