On Tue, Nov 06, 2007 at 12:02:27PM -0500, Nick Mathewson wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 06, 2007 at 04:40:30PM -0000, Toby Douglass wrote:
> > Nick Mathewson wrote:
> > > I'd like to have everything work on win32.  Trunk compiles on mingw
> > > fine.  I would like it also to compile under MSVC, but I don't have a
> > > copy of MSVC.  That's why diffs would be nice. :)
> > 
> > MS offer a free command line compiler and SDK.  Given they're free and
> > compatable with the commercial build environments, would they be a viable
> > choice of Win32 build environment?
> I seem to recall being told about licensing issues, but the person who
> told me may have been an alarmist.  I'll try it out some time in the
> next few weeks if I can.

Or possibly the next few days.  :) I downloaded MSVC++ Express 2005
last night, along with the platform SDK, and gave them a try.  The
license issues were not as bad as I thought: they put some tricky
restrictions on redistribution of binaries, but so long as I'm just
using it for development, it should be good enough.  Thanks for the
tip, Toby!

The upshot now is that now there's a .vcproj file for libevent, and
now all of the libevent core sources seem to build correctly on MSVC++
Express 2005.

Here's what remains to be done for libevent on MSVC:

   - Right now, the .vcproj project file is set up to build a single
     libevent library.  Instead, it should build the same 3 libraries
     as trunk does (libevent, libevent-core, libevent-extras).

   - Once that's done, somebody should update the older project files
     to include the right code, and see whether there are remaining
     build issues there.

   - There are some warnings left to fix.

   - There should be a Makefile for MSVC, so people can have
     controlled and repeatable builds.

   - The unit tests should be made to build under MSVC... and maybe
     even pass. :)

But yeah -- if any brave MSVC users out there want to try out the code
in subversion trunk and see if it works for you, that would be grand!

Nick Mathewson

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