On Thu, Dec 28, 2017 at 3:32 PM, Thomas Jarosch
<thomas.jaro...@intra2net.com> wrote:
> Hi Yegor and Samuel,
> On Saturday, 23 December 2017 21:45:11 CET Yegor Yefremov wrote:
>> Forget about the STATICLIBS related patch, as libftdi1 creates both
>> dynamic and static libs at once.
> alright, I already noted down to check the git history of libftdi
> why we did it that way in the first place. I would only break
> backward compatibility if there's a good reason for it.
> So I can skip this now - less work is always appreciated :)
> Regarding the other patches:
> 0002-cmake-fix-FindUSB1.cmake.patch:
> This seems to break the build of the unit test on my Fedora 26 box:
> "
> CMake Error: CMake can not determine linker language for target: test_libftdi1
> CMake Error: Cannot determine link language for target "test_libftdi1".
> -- Generating done
> "
> I tried the 0003-cmake-do-not-check-for-g-when-FTDIPP-is-disabled.patch
> independently, but it breaks the build of the unit test, too.
> Also it introduces a variable "FTDIPP" without a corresponding cmake option?

test/CMakeLists.txt also needs proejct option with CXX language.

FTDIPP is an option introduced in a03fea794af90cd97514f35f212691f8b5b3700d.

Btw what about creating a file CMakeOptions.txt and placing all
options there as for example nghttp2 package does [1]? Then we would
only include directories, if corresponding options are set.
CMakeOptions.txt will be early included in the CMakeLists.txt.

[1] https://github.com/nghttp2/nghttp2/blob/master/CMakeOptions.txt

> Please look into those patches again to ensure the unit test
> is still buildable and the default behavior doesn't change. Thanks!
> I'll soon be on a short vacation (lots of 34c3 presentations to watch...),
> so there'll be a small delay until I can look into this.
> Cheers,
> Thomas

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