On Wednesday, 9 August 2017 19:23:40 CEST Richard W.M. Jones wrote:
> Unlike previous ‘daemon: Reimplement ...’ patches, this does not
> reimplement the umount_all API completely (yet, but this
> implementation could be completed in future and then replace the C
> one).  However it is necessary to have a version of umount_all which
> we can call from the OCaml inspection code.
> ---

Even if this is already committed, better leave some comments than
never ...

>  daemon/mount.ml  | 61 
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  daemon/mount.mli |  2 ++
>  2 files changed, 63 insertions(+)
> diff --git a/daemon/mount.ml b/daemon/mount.ml
> index 3391ffc11..fbf4ddc39 100644
> --- a/daemon/mount.ml
> +++ b/daemon/mount.ml
> +  List.iter (
> +    fun line ->
> +      let line = String.nsplit " " line in
> +      (* The field of interest is the 5th field.  Whitespace is escaped
> +       * with octal sequences like \040 (for space).
> +       * See fs/seq_file.c:mangle_path.
> +       *)

Would it be possible to output to debug the mount entry, like done in
the C version?

> +      if List.length line >= 5 then (
> +        let mp = List.nth line 4 in
> +        let mp = proc_unmangle_path mp in
> +
> +        (* Allow a mount directory like "/sysroot" or "/sysroot/..." *)
> +        if (sysroot_len > 0 && String.is_prefix mp sysroot) ||
> +           (String.is_prefix mp sysroot &&
> +            String.length mp > sysroot_len &&
> +            mp.[sysroot_len] = '/') then

This condition is puzzling, although so are the 2 if's in the C
version; also it is not an exact 1:1 conversion, since the first half
of the "or" ought to be "sysroot_len > 0 && mp = sysroot".

Pino Toscano

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