On 3/24/20 3:12 PM, Eric Blake wrote:

(For non-mingw platforms) this breaks the source API promises rather
seriously, so if I understand your proposal correctly I don't think
this is a good idea.  It's possibly something we can consider for
internal plugins, or for the V3 API.

How does it break API to request that someone link against a particular library if they want to avoid undefined symbols (and to continue to allow the to link with undefined symbols if they choose not to compile against that library)?

I guess what I haven't said yet is that the existing proposed patches from Frank for making mingw compile are NOT the right way to resolve the need for -no-undefined on that platform. Instead of creating lots of wrapper functions buried inside #ifdef WINDOWS_COMPAT, we really should be focusing on creating a clean libnbdkit.so/dll library that exposes all of the needed symbols without the need for preprocessor magic, and therefore without API breaks.

Eric Blake, Principal Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc.           +1-919-301-3226
Virtualization:  qemu.org | libvirt.org

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