In Kubernetes and tools like Kubevirt, it's not possible to create
some disks and then attach to them (in order to populate them with
data) in one step.  This makes virt-v2v conversions awkward because
ideally we would like the output mode (-o kubevirt) to both create the
target disks and populate them at the same time.

So to work around this problem, we need a tool which can inspect the
virt-v2v source hypervisor before we do the conversion in order to
find out how many disks are needed and their sizes.  Then we can
create the target disks, and then we can run a second container with
virt-v2v attached to the disks to do the conversion and populate the
This is a proposed tool to do this.  It essentially uses the same -i*
options as virt-v2v (and no -o* options) and outputs various useful
metadata.  Example:

  $ ./run virt-v2v-inspector --quiet -i disk /var/tmp/fedora-32.img 
  virt-v2v-inspector: The QEMU Guest Agent will be installed for this guest 
at first boot.
  virt-v2v-inspector: warning: /files/boot/grub2/ references 
unknown device "vda".  You may have to fix this entry manually after 
  <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
    <!-- generated by virt-v2v-inspector 2.1.9local,libvirt -->
      <disk index='0'>
        <allocated estimated='true'>1400897536</allocated>
      <product_name>Fedora 32 (Thirty Two)</product_name>

There should be sufficient information in the <disks> section to
allocate target disks, plus additional information is printed which
might be useful.

Note that we do a full conversion in order to generate this
information.  In particular it's not possible to generate the
<allocated/> estimate without this.  It's plausible we could have a
--no-convert option, but I'm not sure it's worthwhile: it would only
save a little time, but would make everything less accurate, plus
maybe it is a good idea to find out if conversion is going to work
before we create the target disks?

I chose XML instead of JSON for output.  XML allows us to annotate
elements with attributes like "estimated='true'".  It also lets us
represent 64 bit number accurately, where JSON cannot represent such

One obvious problem is that (without --quiet) the program mixes up
informational output with the final document, which is a bit of a
pain.  Ideas here?


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