On Tue, May 16, 2023 at 07:20:16PM +0200, Laszlo Ersek wrote:
> On 5/16/23 14:12, Richard W.M. Jones wrote:
> > In nbdkit-error-filter we need to parse parameters as probabilities.
> > This is useful enough to add to nbdkit, since we will use it in
> > another filter in future.
> > ---

I'll start with the good, before focusing on the questionable.

You make a compelling argument about wanting to reuse already-existing
code for parsing a percentage.  It is indeed useful to have a single
utility function, to be reused by multiple plugins and filters, so
that we have consistent grammars for what we are willing to accept
(rather than multiple ad hoc parsers being subtly different), and
where we can fix any bugs or add new supported parses in just one
location.  So that is a strong argument in favor of this patch if we
can justify why having a floating point error representation in the
first place is worthwhile.  The latter, of course, is harder to argue;
so just because this patch is good at eliminating redundancy does not
necessarily mean it is a good idea to use floating point.

> > +=head2 Parsing probabilities
> > +
> > +Use the C<nbdkit_parse_probability> utility function to parse
> > +probabilities.  Common formats understood include: C<"0.1">, C<"10%">
> > +or C<"1:10">, which all mean a probability of 1 in 10.
> > +
> > + int nbdkit_parse_probability (const char *what, const char *str,
> > +                               double *ret);
> > +
> > +The C<what> parameter is printed in error messages to provide context.
> > +The C<str> parameter is the probability string.
> > +
> > +On success the function returns C<0> and sets C<*ret>.  B<Note> that
> > +the probability returned may be outside the range S<[ 0.0..1.0 ]>, for
> > +example if C<str == "200%">.  If you want to clamp the result you must
> > +check that yourself.

Would it be helpful if the utility function included bounds that the
result must lie between?  As in:

if (nbdkit_parse_probability ("my function", str, 0.0, 1.0, &value) == -1)
  return -1;

where code that wants to allow larger than 100% can do so by passing
different bounds?

> >  
> > +nbdkit_parse_probability (const char *what, const char *str,
> > +                          double *retp)
> > +{
> > +  double d, d2;
> > +  char c;
> > +  int n;
> > +
> > +  if (sscanf (str, "%lg%[:/]%lg%n", &d, &c, &d2, &n) == 3 &&
> > +      strcmp (&str[n], "") == 0) { /* N:M or N/M */

This accepts LOTS of strings.  Maybe that is intentional, but still,
it accepts more than you documented.  For example, it accepts
"-inf:nan(0x0)", but only on some platforms (since expanded nan(...)
sequences are implementation defined), even though I can't possibly
see how that makes for a valid percentage.

> > +    if (d == 0 && d2 == 0)         /* 0/0 is OK */
> > +      ;

So your intent is to allow bypassing 0/0 to instead behave identically
to 0%.

> > +    else if (d2 == 0)              /* N/0 is bad */
> > +      goto bad_parse;
> > +    else
> > +      d /= d2;
> I don't want to be a spoilsport, but this division makes me extra
> nervous [1], on top of parsing floating point *at all* [2].
> [2] Eric has just posted a 19-part series, v2, for QEMU, for fixing the
> numerous issues in QEMU's floating point parser. Personal opinion: QEMU
> doesn't even have a *valid reason* for parsing floating point! All QEMU
> deals with are *integer quantities* such as disk images consisting of
> whole numbers of bytes! But again, that's just a personal opinion.

No offense taken.  And while you are correct that my v2 series for
qemu clocked in at 19 patches, it doesn't necessarily translate to 19
bugs fixed (although it was definitely more than one), nor were they
all in floating point (one of the bugs was in qemu_strtoui() which is
integer only).  In short, my biggest time sink there was fixing
technical debt on needing a LOT more unit tests to make sure I wasn't
inadvertently breaking some corner case (and with strtod() or
scanf("%g"), there are a LOT of those).

Still, being able to write 1.5G rather than 1610612736 explains why
qemu goes to the bother of attempting to allow certain floating point
strings.  So inspired by your concern, I just took another look at
nbdkit_parse_size(), which currently has rather terse public
documentation of:

| Use the C<nbdkit_parse_size> utility function to parse human-readable
| size strings such as "100M" into the size in bytes.
|  int64_t nbdkit_parse_size (const char *str);
| C<str> can be a string in a number of common formats.  The function
| returns the size in bytes.  If there was an error, it returns C<-1>.

but where you are better reading server/public.c to see what we
actually parse, along with
server/test-public.c:test_nbdkit_parse_size() for what we promise not
to break (currently, no strings with '.' are in our explicitly
supported set).  The former has:

  /* XXX Should we also parse things like '1.5M'? */
  /* XXX Should we allow hex? If so, hex cannot use scaling suffixes,
   * because some of them are valid hex digits */

which are some of the very corner cases I was just dealing with in
qemu's qemu_strtosz(); and the latter has its own shortfalls (for
example, classifying "8E" as a bogus string, instead of in the section
of strings leading to overflow - the real reason we reject 8E is
because it doesn't fit as a positive value in off_t).  Alas, since
qemu has a stricter license, I can't just copy my work there over to
nbdkit without also exercising my right as author to dual-license it
more permissively.  But the way our docs are currently written, we do
seem to reserve the right to make strings that currently fail to parse
start validly parsing in the future (such as 1.5M).

> [1] I maintain that floating point is only a part of the C language so
> that C could be made "competitive" with Fortran. Therefore I honestly
> believe that *no* floating point should be done in C without fully
> engaging in numerical analysis. I'm not up to that -- I've had numerical
> analysis in college, and I remember just enough of it to steer the heck
> clear of it. In C99, there's a whole chapter dedicated to the floating
> point environment (7.6 Floating-point environment <fenv.h>), and there's
> also the normative Annex F ("IEC 60559 floating-point arithmetic").
> In this particular case, we have a floating point division. The divisor
> "d2" can be an extremely small *positive* number (DBL_MIN, or another
> value with a very small positive mantissa and  a huge absolute value
> negative exponent, like FLT_RADIX raised to DBL_MIN_EXP), and the
> dividend "d" may be a huge positive number (DBL_MAX, or another value
> with a large positive mantissa and a huge positive exponent like
> FLT_RADIX raised to DBL_MAX_EXP).
> The quotient d/d2 is then almost certainly not representable in the type
> -- the resultant exponent would have to be about (DBL_MAX_EXP -
> DBL_MIN_EXP), which in practice is about 2 * DBL_MAX_EXP -- and there's
> just not another exponent bit available in the type for that.
> And I can't even say whether that would result in a silent NaN, or a
> silent positive infinity, or a floating point exception. I don't like
> code that I can't reason about (even if it is ultimately my fault, for
> not knowing the language well enough).

C is a lot looser here than other languages.  For example, Java took
pains to define that division by 0 or infinity produces
platform-independent reliable results (at the expense of someone
writing a Java virtual machine having to do slower implementations
which special case anything that the hardware does not natively do in
the same manner).  At any rate, I agree with you that floating point
division, when you have not validated that the unbounded-precision
result won't overflow/underflow under rounding scenarios, is not
trivial to think about.

> Relatedly... in patch#5, we have:
> +  block_size = next_power_of_2 ((uint64_t) (100. / evil_probability));
> where "evil_probability" comes from nbdkit_parse_probability(), and is
> checked separately to be in [0, 1] (both boundaries inclusive, per the
> code).
> So, evil_probability==0 will produce a division by zero here, but even
> if we assume that's just a typo and we actually mean to exclude 0, the
> user can still provide a value near DBL_MIN on the command line, like
> 1E-37. 100 is 1E+2, so the quotient is 1E+39. Representing 10^39 in
> binary requires ceil(39 * log2(10)) bits -- that's 130 bits; uint64_t is
> too small for that. And then the following applies from C99:
> Real floating and integer
>     When a finite value of real floating type is converted to an integer
>     type other than _Bool, the fractional part is discarded (i.e., the
>     value is truncated toward zero). If the value of the integral part
>     cannot be represented by the integer type, the behavior is
>     undefined. [Footnote 50]
> Footnote 50:
>     The remaindering operation performed when a value of integer type is
>     converted to unsigned type need not be performed when a value of
>     real floating type is converted to unsigned type. Thus, the range of
>     portable real floating values is (−1, Utype_MAX+1).

Oh, so my assumption (in my reply to patch 5, before replying to this
email) that (uint64_t)INFINITY produces UINT64_MAX is invalid (again,
maybe something I'm remembering from Java taking pains to explicitly
specify that).  It may happen to do so, but other values are also
possible, and the compiler can also use this explicit promise of UB to
optimize things differently than we would like.  Yeah, this really is
a bear-trap.

> (Note the round parens in the footnote: it means the boundaries are
> *excluded*. So, a value like -0.5 will be truncated to zero, and a value
> like UINT64_MAX + 0.5 will be truncated to UINT64_MAX, but (-1) itself
> and (UINT64_MAX + 1) itself are not permitted already.)

I challenge you to find a system where 'double' can hold the value
UINT64_MAX + 0.5 with sufficient precision (IEEE double only requires
51 bits of precision).  In fact, some of the back-story of my work on
qemu's floating point parser was an earlier bug report, raised by
nbdkit's unit testing, when we discovered that qemu was rounding large
values (because of its trip through 'double') rather than matching an
integral parse (found when qemu was unable to produce large sparse
images as large as nbdkit because of the lost precision).
Semi-related, just last week, I also fixed a bug in glib where it was
assuming that the round trip (uint64_t)(long double)(uint64_t)value
would not lose precision, which happens to be the case on x86_64 but
is not true on other hardware; but here we're using sscanf with
'double' not 'long double'.

> I recommend the following: take two unsigned integers, numerator "a" and
> denominator "b", from the command line. We know how to parse those safely.
> Maintain those values separately.
> In every calculation where we need to multiply x by a/b, calculate
> (x*a)/b, and use MUL_OVERFLOW() for the multiplication. Where we need to
> divide x by (a/b), use (x*b)/a, again with MUL_OVERFLOW(). (And of
> course the divisor must never be 0.)
> In case we can determine the possible range for "x" *in advance*, for
> example because we know we're going to divide x=100 by (a/b), we can
> *also* determine the safe range for "a" and "b" as well -- for x=100,
> x*b must fit in a uint64_t, so "b" must not exceed UINT64_MAX/100, and
> that can be verified safely after parsing.
> Floating point is in fact *supposed* to take away all this messing, and
> "compress" the ratio into the mantissa, and set the exponent (the scale)
> accordingly. But the simplicity is deceiving, due to cancellation, error
> accumulation, etc. (Cue the articles "what every programmer should know
> about floating point".)
> I don't think I can *safely* use floating point, I can only say when
> something looks unsafe. Maintaining two positive integers (numerator and
> denominator) is more work, but I can at least *reason* about those.
> If Eric is OK with this patch set, I won't try to block it, it just
> makes me feel very uncomfortable. It's more than just scanf() lacking
> proper internal error handling; the real complications come when we
> perform operations on the floating point values.

Our pre-existing error filter is already doing percentage calculations
via floating point, so on the grounds that this patch is consolidating
common code patterns to avoid reimplementation, we're good. But as you
say, representing things as a ratio between two integers may be more
maintainable than floating point where accuracy matters, or this may
be a case where we are explicit that use of the floating point
fractions as a percentage is intentionally liable to rounding issues.
Still, avoiding undefined behavior when the division can overflow
(whether that be the overflow to floating point infinity or even the
overflow beyond UINT64_MAX), does make it worth questioning if
floating point is our best representation, or at a minimum if we want
to be stricter in what we parse before passing a substring on to
strtod() so that we have more control over the values (part of my 19
patches to qemu was explicitly truncating any string at 'e' or 'E' so
that strtod() could not do an exponent parse that would inadverently
hit overflow to INFINITY).

Eric Blake, Principal Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc.           +1-919-301-3266
Virtualization:  qemu.org | libvirt.org
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