On 8/16/2023 11:35 PM, Eric Blake wrote:
On Thu, Aug 03, 2023 at 03:36:06PM +0000, Tage Johansson wrote:
A couple of integration tests are added in rust/tests. They are mostly
ported from the OCaml tests.
Overall, this looked like a nice counterpart to the OCaml unit tests,
and I was able to easily figure out how to amend my own tests in for
the unit tests I added in my 64-bit extension work.  Keeping similar
unit test numbers across language bindings has been a big boon :-)

Style question:

+++ b/rust/tests/test_250_opt_set_meta.rs
+/// A struct with information about set meta contexts.
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
+struct CtxInfo {
+    /// Whether the meta context "base:allocation" is set.
+    has_alloc: bool,
+    /// The number of set meta contexts.
+    count: u32,
Here, you use a trailing comma,

+fn set_meta_ctxs(nbd: &libnbd::Handle) -> libnbd::Result<CtxInfo> {
+    let info = Arc::new(Mutex::new(CtxInfo {
+        has_alloc: false,
+        count: 0,
+    }));
+    let info_clone = info.clone();
+    let replies = nbd.opt_set_meta_context(move |ctx| {
+        let mut info = info_clone.lock().unwrap();
+        info.count += 1;
+        if ctx == CONTEXT_BASE_ALLOCATION {
+            info.has_alloc = true;
+        }
+        0
+    })?;
+    let info = Arc::into_inner(info).unwrap().into_inner().unwrap();
+    assert_eq!(info.count, replies);
+    Ok(info)
+    // nbdkit does not match wildcard for SET, even though it does for LIST
+    nbd.clear_meta_contexts().unwrap();
+    nbd.add_meta_context("base:").unwrap();
+    assert_eq!(
+        set_meta_ctxs(&nbd).unwrap(),
+        CtxInfo {
+            count: 0,
+            has_alloc: false
+        }
whereas here, you did not.  Does it make a difference?  'make check'
still passes, and rustfmt doesn't complain, if I temporarily add a
trailing comma here.

No, it doesn't make a difference. I nearly always runs rustfmt on my code but it doesn't seem that rustfmt cares about that comma.

I also note that 'rustfmt --check rust/tests/*.rs' flags a few style
suggestions.  I had started work on automating gofmt for all
checked-in *.go files; maybe I should revive that patch and extend it
to also automate rustfmt on all checked-in *.rs files.  Here's what
rustfmt suggested to me (rustfmt 1.5.2-stable ( ) on Fedora 38):

Diff in /home/eblake/libnbd/rust/tests/test_200_connect_command.rs at line 17:
#![deny(warnings)] -
  fn test_connect_command() {
      let nbd = libnbd::Handle::new().unwrap();
Diff in /home/eblake/libnbd/rust/tests/test_200_connect_command.rs at line 24:
-    nbd.connect_command(&[
-        "nbdkit",
-        "-s",
-        "--exit-with-parent",
-        "-v",
-        "null",
-    ])
-    .unwrap();
+    nbd.connect_command(&["nbdkit", "-s", "--exit-with-parent", "-v", "null"])
+        .unwrap();
Diff in /home/eblake/libnbd/rust/tests/test_300_get_size.rs at line 17: #![deny(warnings)] -
  fn test_get_size() {
      let nbd = libnbd::Handle::new().unwrap();
Diff in /home/eblake/libnbd/rust/tests/test_620_stats.rs at line 17:
#![deny(warnings)] -
  fn test_stats() {
      let nbd = libnbd::Handle::new().unwrap();
Diff in /home/eblake/libnbd/rust/tests/test_620_stats.rs at line 31:
      // Connection performs handshaking, which increments stats.
      // The number of bytes/chunks here may grow over time as more features get
      // automatically negotiated, so merely check that they are non-zero.
-    nbd.connect_command(&[
-        "nbdkit",
-        "-s",
-        "--exit-with-parent",
-        "-v",
-        "null",
-    ])
-    .unwrap();
+    nbd.connect_command(&["nbdkit", "-s", "--exit-with-parent", "-v", "null"])
+        .unwrap();
let bs1 = nbd.stats_bytes_sent();
      let cs1 = nbd.stats_chunks_sent();

Automating rustfmt on all checked-in rust files sounds like a good idea. It is strange that those file were not proprly formatted since I just mentioned that I nearly always runs rustfmt on every edit. For the files which are not upstream yet, (test_async_*), I will fix the formatting in the next patch series. For the other files I will create an extra patch to correct the formatting.


Best regards,


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