Thanks for the heads up, Derek.

It was about a year ago that I started using NemesisIO for my work, since I 
thought that ExodusII needed the mesh to be serialized for output and Nemesis 
did not. But you are saying that it is actually the opposite!  

I am a bit confused about this, since the contractor for NemesisIO passes true 
for _is_parallel_format to MeshOutput, while ExodusII defaults to the false 
argument. Given this, wouldn’t MeshOputput::write_equation_system() then 
serialize the whole mesh for ExodusII and not for Nemesis? 

Or am I missing something? 


On May 10, 2014, at 12:11 PM, Derek Gaston <> wrote:

> Just a heads up: Nemesis output is actually MUCH less efficient than Exodus 
> output currently.  During Nemesis output the mesh is actually serialized 
> (copied) to ALL processors!  Which is almost exactly the opposite of what you 
> probably want to happen!  This is a long-standing issue that I took steps 
> towards fixing a while ago but that work hasn't been finished off.
> Exodus output on the other hand now does a really efficient parallel solution 
> reduction where the total solution vector only ends up on processor 1.  See 
> some of the discussion here:
> Long story short: you currently don't gain anything by using Nemesis output 
> with libMesh...
> Now - I know that doesn't solve your problem, I just thought you might want 
> to know that info.
> As for your actual issue... hopefully Roy or John will weigh in with some 
> troubleshooting tips...
> Derek
> On Sat, May 10, 2014 at 9:44 AM, Manav Bhatia <> wrote:
> I use Exodus to read in the mesh and Nemesis to write the output data.
> I have long been using ParallelMesh with AMR without problems, but lately my 
> ParallelMesh with Tet4 elements, refined through a couple of AMR steps, has 
> been throwing exceptions. But that is a matter of separate discussion. 
> For now, I have replaced the ParallelMesh with a SerialMesh and am trying to 
> do the same thing: read in using ExodusII_IO, AMR, and the output using 
> Nemesis. All of this is on two processors. 
> Now, in the last step, I am getting the error that I described in my previous 
> email, which I am trying to decipher. 
> Manav
> On May 10, 2014, at 11:00 AM, Derek Gaston <> wrote:
>> I'm not sure how (or why?) you're using SerialMesh with Nemesis... Nemesis 
>> is for reading Parallel Meshes...
>> What exactly are you trying to do here?
>> Derek
>> On Sat, May 10, 2014 at 8:52 AM, Manav Bhatia <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>>       I am curious if SerialMesh with AMR uses the RemoteElem.  In the 
>> following function (from elem.C), I have marked the lines of interest with 
>> “****”.
>>       This method gets called by line 2180 of nemesis_io_helper.C, which 
>> wants to find active elements with a common side, but also on the local 
>> processor. But, the method in elem.C does not seem to make a distinction 
>> about elements that may have a different pid assigned, but may not be remote 
>> elems. Elem::is_remote() is false by default.
>>       Eventually, error on line 2211 of nemesis_io_helper.C is thrown.
>>       Maybe it would make sense to add a check for (processor_id != 
>> this->processor_id) in Elem::is_remote()? Any thoughts?
>> Thanks,
>> Manav
>> void Elem::active_family_tree_by_side (std::vector<const Elem*>& family,
>>                                        const unsigned int s,
>>                                        const bool reset) const
>> {
>>   // The "family tree" doesn't include subactive elements
>>   libmesh_assert(!this->subactive());
>>   // Clear the vector if the flag reset tells us to.
>>   if (reset)
>>     family.clear();
>>   libmesh_assert_less (s, this->n_sides());
>>   // Add an active element to the family tree.
>>   if (this->active())
>>     family.push_back(this);
>>   // Or recurse into an ancestor element's children.
>>   // Do not clear the vector any more.
>>   else
>>     for (unsigned int c=0; c<this->n_children(); c++)
>>   **** if (!this->child(c)->is_remote() && this->is_child_on_side(c, s))  
>> *****
>>         this->child(c)->active_family_tree_by_side (family, s, false);
>> }
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