Yes, I have been doing that. 

U am getting an error from Parmetis saying 

The sum of tpwgts for constraint #0 is not 1.0

I searched Parmetis' website and did not find anything conclusive to point me 
in a direction. There was someone who did a reinstall of mpi to get around 
this, but that is hardly a solution in my case. 


> On Mar 13, 2015, at 6:24 AM, Paul T. Bauman <> wrote:
>> On Fri, Mar 13, 2015 at 12:52 AM, Manav Bhatia <> wrote:
>>    Parmetis is quitting on me with segmentation faults. The code works just 
>> fine on other machines (both mac and some big intel based clusters). Before 
>> I spend more time debugging it, I wanted to get a quick check from others if 
>> they have had issues if parmetis.
> Make sure you use the configure option --with-metis=PETSc
> The libMesh and PETSc ParMetis installations can (and often do) collide and 
> that option will tell libMesh to use PETSc's. 
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