By default winsock support only 64 connections on single select().
You can override this be defining FD_SETSIZE to some higher value before including winsock headers. MHD detect redefined value and use it when needed.
Just add -DFD_SETSIZE=16000 to command line when building MHD.
Note that MHD automatically limits number of connections to FD_SETSIZE.
One problem is discovered: MHD was tried to redefine FD_SETSIZE to 1024 on W32, but this code was non-functional.

Best Wishes,
Evgeny Grin

07.12.2015, 01:47, "silvioprog" <>:
Hello bro,

Yes, it killed the problem definitively! 3:)

I did many tests using different machines and now it works like a charm, thanks a lot for this fix.

However ( ^^' ), I saw a small problem, but it is related only to the keep-alive feature, even using previous versions like 0.9.46: when I use keep-alive, I get many errors in many requests. When I disable the keep-alive, I get only some errors. It is very easy to be reproduced, but you need to use some tool like JMeter. Let's go to see that:

. get JMeter here [1] and execute its jar file (on Windows, I just double click in the `ApacheJMeter.jar` file);
. get this jmx file[2] file and open it in the JMeter (if you prefer, I can explain you what I used in this test);
. expand the "Thread Group" hree, select the "Aggregate Report" options, and click the `Start` button after compile and run this[3] example.

In my machine, when I kept the line [4] commented (ie, using keep-alive), the result was:

Samples: 15000
95% line: 75
Error: 51,52%

But, when I uncommented this line (ie, using connection close instead of keep-alive) and retested it, the result was:

Samples: 15000
95% line: 572 // yes, it's OK for `connection: close`
Error: 0,56%

In short: using keep-alive you get ~51,52% errors and connection close only 0,56%. It is a little bit strange, because I did some tests using other servers (NodeJS, Jetty and Nginx) and it works fine, 0,0% erros. :-/

[4] MHD_add_response_header(response, MHD_HTTP_HEADER_CONNECTION, "close")

On Sat, Dec 5, 2015 at 1:33 PM, Christian Grothoff <> wrote:

Reading the code I noticed an #ifdef WINDOWS'ed call to shutdown() that
would only be executed (in your particular setting) whenever yet another
connection was accepted, possibly delaying the TCP connection tear down.
I've tried to move the respective logic to happen earlier in SVN 36731.
 Please try this version, and let me know if this fixes your problem.
(Again, the problem doesn't really hit me on GNU/Linux, so this may or
may not be related.)

Happy hacking!


Silvio Clécio

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