On Mon, Aug 15, 2011 at 9:59 PM, Alain Rastoul <alr....@free.fr> wrote:

> **
> Hi,
> I finally found that when called in C with the same api calls that those
> made by opendbx, sqlite correctly returns datatype of columns when fetching
> rows, the problem is clearly that the data type is stored in SQueakDBX
> column description for the resultset  the first time it fetches the first
> row.
> For sqlite, squeakdbx should call the sqlite api to retrieve column
> datatype for each row and each colum while fetching data.

Hi Alain. I am reading this:

>From SqueakDBX, we send odbx_column_type ONCE PER RESULTSET.
You can see this in #processNextResultSet:querySettings:  that for every
resultset it sends  #processResultWithRows:resultHandle:querySettings:

Now.... should we send odbx_column_type and friends ONCE PER RAW? As far as
I can see, in other databases we don't need to do that. But maybe we are
wrong and you are right.

Anyway, if you want to give it a try to Sqlite, what about overwrite
#moveNext:  in SqlitePlatform and do something to set the new type for every

>From what I can see, if the type depends on each raw and it should be asked
for every raw, then a design change is needed so that we can move the
description from the REsultSet to the Raw :)

But it may have implications I don't know.  Perhaps squeakDbx could get only
> true object values (are rawValues really needed) ?.

Well, it depends on the user needs. Now, a key point is what GLORP should

> Or perhaps another solution would be to call the sqlite api if the stored
> datatype is UNKNOWN in column description ... (only for sqlite, but sounds
> like a bad trick)

sounds like a hask, but if it works it is at least a valid workaround.

> I am perplexed ...
> Any idea is welcome
> Cheers
> Alain
> "Mariano Martinez Peck" <marianop...@gmail.com> a écrit dans le message de
> news: CAA+-=mw69g-mp3fqutj9vvhajrop9ezdv5z0zkv9junyzet...@mail.gmail.com
> ...
> On Sat, Aug 13, 2011 at 12:06 AM, Alain Rastoul <alr....@free.fr> wrote:
>> **
>> It doen't work.
>> Howerver googling for opendbx msg00483, I found
>> http://www.mail-archive.com/libopendbx-devel-5NWGOfrQmneRv+LV9MX5uipxlwaOVQ5f@public.gmane.org/msg00483.html<http://www.mail-archive.com/libopendbx-devel-5NWGOfrQmnetEtDZOKyKiw@public.gmane.orgrge.net/msg00483.html>
> yes, that one :)
>>  it seems to be the problem of the issue 10, and I think the same problem
>> I have..
> yes
> Sorry, I cannot do more....  :(
>>  Strange that it doesn't work with MSSQL too..
>> "Mariano Martinez Peck" <marianop...@gmail.com> a écrit dans le message
>> de news:
>> CAA+-=mW4rwrLMhMAzsLhQ5zEWZBG_Jg=BF2dKu3wsxw0=io=i...@mail.gmail.com...
>> On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 11:14 PM, Alain Rastoul <alr....@free.fr> wrote:
>>> **
>>> I used the following script (about  2 months ago I think ) in Pharo 1.3
>>> "SqueakDBX"
>>> Gofer new squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository';
>>> package: 'ConfigurationOfSqueakDBX';
>>> load.
>>> ConfigurationOfSqueakDBX project latestVersion load.
>>> "GLORP"
>>> Gofer new squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository';
>>> package: 'ConfigurationOfGlorpDBX';
>>> load.
>>> ConfigurationOfGlorpDBX project latestVersion load.
>> Yes, you are using SqueakDBX ;)  you will move soon to DBXTalk :)
>>>  II use DBXTestCase for my  test with the code I send in my email (is it
>>> ok for you?), but I will have alook at DBXQueryTest too.
>>> No problem to put it in the test suite - it makes me remember that I
>>> still didn't send my license agreement to Stephane but I will do it
>>> asap... I hate papers ;-)
>> in our case we don't need that ;)
>>> http://www.mail-archive.com/libopendbx-devel-5NWGOfrQmneRv+LV9MX5uipxlwaOVQ5f@public.gmane.org/msg00483.html
>>> The link is broken
>> http://www.mail-archive.com/libopendbx-devel-5NWGOfrQmneRv+LV9MX5uipxlwaOVQ5f@public.gmane.org/msg00483.html
>> this one works?
>> --
>> Mariano
>> http://marianopeck.wordpress.com
> --
> Mariano
> http://marianopeck.wordpress.com

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