--- Comment #17 from D. C. Sessions <> ---
1) All new to this topic, please read the OOo history before suggesting that
Navigator will do the trick [1].

2) For anyone who wants to argue that outlining is old-fashioned, please
consider that writers have been using the general techniques of outlining for
longer than anyone (not just the current generation of software developers) has
been alive.  Programmers (and FWIW I have a degree in CS) rightly sneer at the
idea that software creation should be modeled on literature creation.  Hmmm.

3) Outlining is not just a tool for creating initial drafts.  If anything, it's
much more of a tool for editing.  Massively -- as in, "take these two chapters,
move them to after chapter 15, and insert Appendix C into the second one before
section 5."

4) It's quite possible that, despite (2), there are better tools.  If you think
so, don't just wave a link -- describe how an author can use those tools to
send a draft to a co-author so that the co-author can make structural revisions
(including insertions, moves, etc.) and return the document.  I suppose it's
possible to do this in a multi-tool process without inviting death threats, but
I'm skeptical.

[1] The short history is that writer say that the outline view is essential.  A
developer says, "use the Navigator."  Multiple writers explain that Navigator
is using punched cards rather than an IDE.  Developer suggests a really spiffy
new tool, paper tape.  Writers explain that they want an IDE.  Before long, the
original developer drops off the radar.  Topic goes dormant.  Someone starts it
up again, and a new developer shows up.  Loop.

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