--- Comment #7 from Andreas Säger <> ---
What irritates me most is the NEEDINFO flag for this obvious bug.
What irritates me second most is the fact that the same version of LO4.4.6 with
the same locale and language options loading the same input file gives
different results.
LO4.4.6 (non-PPA) on Linux with German (de-DE) locale 1.234,99 is a number, on
Windows it is text.
LO on Windows marks the imported value as a text (leading apostrophe tag in
front of the numeric text) which means that the text is recognized as a number
but tagged as a text even though I specified all options to evaluate the text
as a number.

@Antonio, comment #6:
For Portuguese language the non-breaking space (Unicode 0x00A0) is defined as
thousands separator.

This macro dumps all locale settings into a spreadsheet and applies the
locale's default format to each row so you can test the locale in its
respective row.

Sub printAllLocalesToNewSpreadSheet()
Dim oDoc, oSheet, i18n, oInfo, a(), b(),i%, oItem, nf&

oDoc =
oSheet = oDoc.getSheets().getByIndex(0)

i18n = createUnoService("")
a() = i18n.getAllInstalledLocaleNames()
dim r(uBound(a()) +1)

Const cCols = 7
r(0) =
For i = 0 to uBound(a())
    oInfo = i18n.getLanguageCountryInfo(a(i))
    oItem = i18n.getLocaleItem(a(i))
    b() = Array( _
        getLocaleString(a(i)), _
        oInfo.LanguageDefaultName, _
        oInfo.CountryDefaultName, _
        oItem.decimalSeparator, _
        oItem.dateSeparator, _
        oItem.timeSeparator, _
        oItem.thousandSeparator, _
        oItem.listSeparator _
    r(i +1) = b()

nf = oDoc.NumberFormats.getStandardIndex(a(i))
oSheet.getCellRangeByPosition(0, i+1, 255, i+1).NumberFormat = nf
oSheet.getCellRangeByPosition(0, 0, cCols, uBound(r())).setDataArray(r())
End Sub

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