--- Comment #5 from Julien Nabet <> ---
On pc Debian x86-64 with master sources updated yesterday, I don't reproduce

I enabled Accessibility in Gnome (+ restarted laptop to be sure it's taken into
I launched the script in a term and in another term, I use make debugrun (so
gdb is launched) and opened several times the xlsx.

Here is the beginning of the trace I got:
/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pyatspi/ PyGIWarning: Atspi was
imported without specifying a version first. Use gi.require_version('Atspi',
'2.0') before import to ensure that the right version gets loaded.
  from gi.repository import Atspi

** (process:2436): WARNING **: AT-SPI: Error in GetItems, sender=(null),
error=Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application
did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the
reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.
12:12:15 - object:active-descendant-changed from [table | Sheet 37] (8202, 0,
Exception getting attributes for [DEAD]
12:12:16 - object:state-changed:active from [DEAD] (1, 0, 0)
12:12:16 - object:active-descendant-changed from [table | Sheet 37] (8202, 0,
Exception getting attributes for [DEAD]
12:12:16 - object:state-changed:active from [DEAD] (1, 0, 0)
12:12:16 - object:active-descendant-changed from [table | Sheet 37] (8202, 0,
Exception getting attributes for [DEAD]
12:12:23 - object:state-changed:active from [frame | test.xlsx - LibreOfficeDev
Calc 5.2 [6c2a9102eeb4d3de6a64780eb2b97415b15ce4a9]] (1, 0, 0)
^[[A^[[B^[[A^[[B^[[A^[[B12:12:23 - object:active-descendant-changed from [table
| Sheet 37] (8202, 0, [DEAD])
Exception getting attributes for [DEAD]
12:12:40 - object:state-changed:active from [frame | test.xlsx - LibreOfficeDev
Calc 5.2 [6c2a9102eeb4d3de6a64780eb2b97415b15ce4a9]] (1, 0, 0)
12:12:40 - object:active-descendant-changed from [table | Sheet 37] (8202, 0,
[table cell | K9])
12:12:40 - object:active-descendant-changed from [table | Sheet 37] (7178, 0,
[table cell | K8])
12:12:40 - object:active-descendant-changed from [table | Sheet 37] (8202, 0,
[table cell | K9])
12:12:40 - object:active-descendant-changed from [table | Sheet 37] (7178, 0,
[table cell | K8])

Do you still reproduce this with recent LO version (last stable one is 5.0.4)?
Or perhaps I missed something?

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