--- Comment #19 from Radish <> ---
LibreOffice v5.1.5.2

I very much agree with the original poster in this thread I also think LO would
be greatly improved by allowing users the option make non-printing characters
(NPCs) any colour they please. This setting should be added to Tools > Options
> LibreOffice > Application Colours > Non-Printing Characters (and could easily
be made to conform to the colour options there available for other elements of
LO). There are several reasons why I think this should be done.

1) As it stands just now the light-blue colour doesn't show up well if the user
changes the Document Background to a colour that doesn't allow the blue colour
NPCs to stand out well in the document.

2) If the user has a free choice on the colour of the NPCs then the user is
free to choose colours that are either highly visible or a bit less visible -
according to the user's own preference for this kind of thing. (Personally I
prefer them highly visible.)

3) If LO introduced an 'automatic colour' scheme for NPCs then the results of
the automatic choice made might not be to the liking of the user - doubly so if
the user has changed the Document Background colour. What suits one person, the
person that coded the automatic colour selection, will not suit all people.

4) I don't think this NPCs colour setting should be made in Advanced Settings.
The reason is that it is so easy to change the Document Background colour that
the NPCs colour setting should be in the same place as the Document Background
colour. Putting such a setting in Advanced Settings does nothing but overly
complicate the issue for the average user that just wants to use LO to get
things done.

I would like to add that I feel *very strongly* that the NPCs colour should be
able to be set by the user. This to the extent that I am currently thinking of
going back to OpenOffice instead of continuing to use LO because at least in
OpenOffice I can very clearly see the NPCs but I can't do that in LO. I really
do think this should be a *high priority* issue for LO - this change needs to
be made soon.

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