--- Comment #6 from Luke Kendall <> ---
>From my experiments, I can see each doc has its own individual time at which it
gets auto-saved.
The secondary doc was auto-saving a minute before the main doc.  
Saving the secondary document (so it needed no auto-save) did not prevent the
auto-save of another working document.  (I.e., the events are independent, as
they should be.)
Nor did saving the main doc within that one minute gap prevent its auto-save: I
made a small edit of the main doc, and within 30 seconds of my manual save, the
auto-save triggered on the main doc.
It's very strange I could not reproduce this behaviour when I started using, and thought it was fixed.

One very odd thing: the times and sizes don't match what I expected.

My main doc is called ShadowHunt-CS.odt; it's 590069 bytes.
Secondary doc is ShadowHunt-CS-Q3,thEditors.odt: 171721 bytes.

So: small doc is the secondary, large file is the primary.  But I noted the
time the secondary file was saved (18:15), and when the larger primary file was
auto-saved (a minute later, at 18:16).  Yet the file size+time pair is the
reverse of what I would expect in /tmp:

In /tmp, I see:

-rw-r----- 1 luke kendall  171721 Feb 12 18:16 lu4682tv3vcw.tmp
-rw-r----- 1 luke kendall  590069 Feb 12 18:15 lu4682tv3vcp.tmp

It says the small doc was saved at 18:16, the larger one at 18:15.  This is the
reverse of what I observed.

Is it possible that LO thinks it's auto-saving one file, when it's saving the

Oh, and another strange thing: while writing this comment, I just noted that an
auto-save occurred on the main doc, ShadowHunt-CS.odt, at 18:31.  But in the
/tmp directory, the file timestamps are unchanged (although the directory is
now 18:31).  Does LO write the file, compare if it's the same as the previous
one, then remove the just-written file if they're the same?!  Why bother
comparing?  Why wouldn't you just remove the older auto-save instead of the
most recent one?

In /tmp, at 18:38:
drwx------ 2 luke kendall      4096 Feb 12 18:31 lu4682tv3ttn.tmp
In /tmp/lu4682tv3ttn:
-rw-r----- 1 luke kendall  171721 Feb 12 18:16 lu4682tv3vcw.tmp
-rw-r----- 1 luke kendall  590069 Feb 12 18:15 lu4682tv3vcp.tmp

I can't make sense of the timing": it looks wrong.  I just noticed I hadn't
saved for a while, though making lots of changes.  The file was:

-rw-rw----  1 luke kendall   590176 Feb 12 19:21 ShadowHunt-CS.odt
In /tmp:
-rw-r----- 1 luke kendall  590176 Feb 12 19:21 lu4682tv3ved.tmp

This was at 19:46: *more* than 15 mins since the last manual save (19:21).
At 19:48 I manually saved again:
-rw-rw----  1 luke kendall   589972 Feb 12 19:48 ShadowHunt-CS.odt
and afterward, found that the /tmp copy was the same size+time:
-rw-r----- 1 luke kendall  589972 Feb 12 19:48 lu4682tv3vf1.tmp

Yeah, I did the same manual save at 19:57, and the same thing happened:
-rw-rw----  1 luke kendall   589987 Feb 12 19:57 ShadowHunt-CS.odt
-rw-r----- 1 luke kendall  589987 Feb 12 19:57 lu4682tv3vf8.tmp

Yes: the time is now 20:28, last save was 20:10, I've been making changes, but
it's not been auto-saved for over 17 mins, even though auto-save interval is
set to 15 mins:
-rw-r----- 1 luke kendall  590106 Feb 12 20:10 lu4682tv3vfm.tmp
-rw-rw----  1 luke kendall   590106 Feb 12 20:10 ShadowHunt-CS.odt
Or now, at 20:32:
-rw-r----- 1 luke kendall  590106 Feb 12 20:10 lu4682tv3vfm.tmp

I can't make sense of this, but it's certainly not operating when it's supposed

No wonder I've lost more work than I expected, when LO crashed.

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