--- Comment #13 from christophe_y2k <> ---
hi all,
thanks to reply me but we are in 2017 and i send this bug in 2015.
now i use another more recent version of libre office.

i do not use (known) the method " in Calc, menu Edition > Link... then break
all links and save the file, then insert the file in the Draw document."

the solution have found and working today with recent libreoffice version is to
modify the local temp directory.

i setup temp folder for libreoffice in my home user directory, i think gentoo
system (with systemd) temp directory was purged too rapidly and since i modify
in libre office settings this tmp folder i never loosing inserted pictures,
even if my doc is in my linux network folder with image directory or if my
document was on my computer and image folder in network folder. I just insert
image from network folder in my calc document and do not use draw, now i export
directly my doc in pdf from calc.
the only bug is when i move or resize my picture inserted, that do not delete
the first image, i must to manually delete it. ex when i resize(with mouse)
image that create new smaller image but not erase the precedent biggest image.
But this bug is less problematic 

(Sorry for my poor english)

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