--- Comment #20 from Tor Lillqvist <> ---
Stack trace from pausing the soffice process during one of those beach-ball
waits. The many many stack slots of CGDisplayListDelegateDrawDisplayList(),
dle_Execute(), and dle_ExecuteDisplayList() look familiar, I saw that when
investigating the scenario with the first sample document in this bug report,

#0      0x00007fff417d72b1 in argb32_image_mark_argb32 ()
#1      0x00007fff417d6d75 in argb32_image_mark_image ()
#2      0x00007fff417815fd in argb32_image ()
#3      0x00007fff417808e4 in ripl_Mark ()
#4      0x00007fff417808bb in RIPLayerBltImage ()
#5      0x00007fff417801f2 in ripc_RenderImage ()
#6      0x00007fff41774345 in ripc_DrawImage ()
#7      0x00007fff41774006 in CGContextDelegateDrawImage ()
#8      0x00007fff417c3058 in dle_ExecuteDisplayList ()
#9      0x00007fff417c1c29 in dle_Execute ()
#10     0x00007fff417d83ed in CGDisplayListDelegateDrawDisplayList ()
#11     0x00007fff417c2f97 in dle_ExecuteDisplayList ()
#12     0x00007fff417c1c29 in dle_Execute ()
#13     0x00007fff417d83ed in CGDisplayListDelegateDrawDisplayList ()
#14     0x00007fff417c2f97 in dle_ExecuteDisplayList ()
#15     0x00007fff417c1c29 in dle_Execute ()
#16     0x00007fff417d83ed in CGDisplayListDelegateDrawDisplayList ()
#17     0x00007fff417c2f97 in dle_ExecuteDisplayList ()
#18     0x00007fff417c1c29 in dle_Execute ()
#19     0x00007fff417d83ed in CGDisplayListDelegateDrawDisplayList ()
#20     0x00007fff417c2f97 in dle_ExecuteDisplayList ()
#21     0x00007fff417c1c29 in dle_Execute ()
#22     0x00007fff417d83ed in CGDisplayListDelegateDrawDisplayList ()
#23     0x00007fff417c2f97 in dle_ExecuteDisplayList ()
#24     0x00007fff417c1c29 in dle_Execute ()
#25     0x00007fff417d83ed in CGDisplayListDelegateDrawDisplayList ()
#26     0x00007fff417c2f97 in dle_ExecuteDisplayList ()
#27     0x00007fff417c1c29 in dle_Execute ()
#28     0x00007fff417d83ed in CGDisplayListDelegateDrawDisplayList ()
#29     0x00007fff417c2f97 in dle_ExecuteDisplayList ()
#30     0x00007fff417c1c29 in dle_Execute ()
#31     0x00007fff417d83ed in CGDisplayListDelegateDrawDisplayList ()
#32     0x00007fff417c2f97 in dle_ExecuteDisplayList ()
#33     0x00007fff417c1c29 in dle_Execute ()
#34     0x00007fff417d83ed in CGDisplayListDelegateDrawDisplayList ()
#35     0x00007fff417c2f97 in dle_ExecuteDisplayList ()
#36     0x00007fff417c1c29 in dle_Execute ()
#37     0x00007fff417d83ed in CGDisplayListDelegateDrawDisplayList ()
#38     0x00007fff417c2f97 in dle_ExecuteDisplayList ()
#39     0x00007fff417c1c29 in dle_Execute ()
#40     0x00007fff417d83ed in CGDisplayListDelegateDrawDisplayList ()
#41     0x00007fff417c2f97 in dle_ExecuteDisplayList ()
#42     0x00007fff417c1c29 in dle_Execute ()
#43     0x00007fff417d83ed in CGDisplayListDelegateDrawDisplayList ()
#44     0x00007fff417c2f97 in dle_ExecuteDisplayList ()
#45     0x00007fff417c1c29 in dle_Execute ()
#46     0x00007fff417d83ed in CGDisplayListDelegateDrawDisplayList ()
#47     0x00007fff417c2f97 in dle_ExecuteDisplayList ()
#48     0x00007fff417c1c29 in dle_Execute ()
#49     0x00007fff417d83ed in CGDisplayListDelegateDrawDisplayList ()
#50     0x00007fff417c2f97 in dle_ExecuteDisplayList ()
#51     0x00007fff417c1c29 in dle_Execute ()
#52     0x00007fff417d83ed in CGDisplayListDelegateDrawDisplayList ()
#53     0x00007fff417c2f97 in dle_ExecuteDisplayList ()
#54     0x00007fff417c1c29 in dle_Execute ()
#55     0x00007fff417d83ed in CGDisplayListDelegateDrawDisplayList ()
#56     0x00007fff417c2f97 in dle_ExecuteDisplayList ()
#57     0x00007fff417c1c29 in dle_Execute ()
#58     0x00007fff417d83ed in CGDisplayListDelegateDrawDisplayList ()
#59     0x00007fff417c2f97 in dle_ExecuteDisplayList ()
#60     0x00007fff417c1c29 in dle_Execute ()
#61     0x00007fff417d83ed in CGDisplayListDelegateDrawDisplayList ()
#62     0x00007fff417c2f97 in dle_ExecuteDisplayList ()
#63     0x00007fff417c1c29 in dle_Execute ()
#64     0x00007fff417d83ed in CGDisplayListDelegateDrawDisplayList ()
#65     0x00007fff417c2f97 in dle_ExecuteDisplayList ()
#66     0x00007fff417c1c29 in dle_Execute ()
#67     0x00007fff417d83ed in CGDisplayListDelegateDrawDisplayList ()
#68     0x00007fff417c2f97 in dle_ExecuteDisplayList ()
#69     0x00007fff417c1c29 in dle_Execute ()
#70     0x00007fff417d83ed in CGDisplayListDelegateDrawDisplayList ()
#71     0x00007fff417c2f97 in dle_ExecuteDisplayList ()
#72     0x00007fff417c1c29 in dle_Execute ()
#73     0x00007fff417d83ed in CGDisplayListDelegateDrawDisplayList ()
#74     0x00007fff417c2f97 in dle_ExecuteDisplayList ()
#75     0x00007fff417c1c29 in dle_Execute ()
#76     0x00007fff417d83ed in CGDisplayListDelegateDrawDisplayList ()
#77     0x00007fff417c2f97 in dle_ExecuteDisplayList ()
#78     0x00007fff417c1c29 in dle_Execute ()
#79     0x00007fff417d83ed in CGDisplayListDelegateDrawDisplayList ()
#80     0x00007fff417c2f97 in dle_ExecuteDisplayList ()
#81     0x00007fff417c1c29 in dle_Execute ()
#82     0x00007fff417d83ed in CGDisplayListDelegateDrawDisplayList ()
#83     0x00007fff417c2f97 in dle_ExecuteDisplayList ()
#84     0x00007fff417c1c29 in dle_Execute ()
#85     0x00007fff417d83ed in CGDisplayListDelegateDrawDisplayList ()
#86     0x00007fff417c2f97 in dle_ExecuteDisplayList ()
#87     0x00007fff417c1c29 in dle_Execute ()
#88     0x00007fff417d83ed in CGDisplayListDelegateDrawDisplayList ()
#89     0x00007fff417c2f97 in dle_ExecuteDisplayList ()
#90     0x00007fff417c1c29 in dle_Execute ()
#91     0x00007fff417d83ed in CGDisplayListDelegateDrawDisplayList ()
#92     0x00007fff417c2f97 in dle_ExecuteDisplayList ()
#93     0x00007fff417c1c29 in dle_Execute ()
#94     0x00007fff417d83ed in CGDisplayListDelegateDrawDisplayList ()
#95     0x00007fff417c2f97 in dle_ExecuteDisplayList ()
#96     0x00007fff417c1c29 in dle_Execute ()
#97     0x00007fff417d83ed in CGDisplayListDelegateDrawDisplayList ()
#98     0x00007fff417c2f97 in dle_ExecuteDisplayList ()
#99     0x00007fff417c1c29 in dle_Execute ()
#100    0x00007fff417d83ed in CGDisplayListDelegateDrawDisplayList ()
#101    0x00007fff417c2f97 in dle_ExecuteDisplayList ()
#102    0x00007fff417c1c29 in dle_Execute ()
#103    0x00007fff417d83ed in CGDisplayListDelegateDrawDisplayList ()
#104    0x00007fff417c2f97 in dle_ExecuteDisplayList ()
#105    0x00007fff417c1c29 in dle_Execute ()
#106    0x00007fff417d83ed in CGDisplayListDelegateDrawDisplayList ()
#107    0x00007fff417c2f97 in dle_ExecuteDisplayList ()
#108    0x00007fff417c1c29 in dle_Execute ()
#109    0x00007fff417d83ed in CGDisplayListDelegateDrawDisplayList ()
#110    0x00007fff417c2f97 in dle_ExecuteDisplayList ()
#111    0x00007fff417c1c29 in dle_Execute ()
#112    0x00007fff417d83ed in CGDisplayListDelegateDrawDisplayList ()
#113    0x00007fff417c2f97 in dle_ExecuteDisplayList ()
#114    0x00007fff417c1c29 in dle_Execute ()
#115    0x00007fff417d83ed in CGDisplayListDelegateDrawDisplayList ()
#116    0x00007fff417c2f97 in dle_ExecuteDisplayList ()
#117    0x00007fff417c1c29 in dle_Execute ()
#118    0x00007fff417d83ed in CGDisplayListDelegateDrawDisplayList ()
#119    0x00007fff417c2f97 in dle_ExecuteDisplayList ()
#120    0x00007fff417c1c29 in dle_Execute ()
#121    0x00007fff417d83ed in CGDisplayListDelegateDrawDisplayList ()
#122    0x00007fff417c2f97 in dle_ExecuteDisplayList ()
#123    0x00007fff417c1c29 in dle_Execute ()
#124    0x00007fff417d83ed in CGDisplayListDelegateDrawDisplayList ()
#125    0x00007fff417c2f97 in dle_ExecuteDisplayList ()
#126    0x00007fff417c1c29 in dle_Execute ()
#127    0x00007fff417d83ed in CGDisplayListDelegateDrawDisplayList ()
#128    0x00007fff417c2f97 in dle_ExecuteDisplayList ()
#129    0x00007fff417c1c29 in dle_Execute ()
#130    0x00007fff417d83ed in CGDisplayListDelegateDrawDisplayList ()
#131    0x00007fff417c2f97 in dle_ExecuteDisplayList ()
#132    0x00007fff417c1c29 in dle_Execute ()
#133    0x00007fff417d83ed in CGDisplayListDelegateDrawDisplayList ()
#134    0x00007fff417c2f97 in dle_ExecuteDisplayList ()
#135    0x00007fff417c1c29 in dle_Execute ()
#136    0x00007fff417d83ed in CGDisplayListDelegateDrawDisplayList ()
#137    0x00007fff417c2f97 in dle_ExecuteDisplayList ()
#138    0x00007fff417c1c29 in dle_Execute ()
#139    0x00007fff417d83ed in CGDisplayListDelegateDrawDisplayList ()
#140    0x00007fff417c2f97 in dle_ExecuteDisplayList ()
#141    0x00007fff417c1c29 in dle_Execute ()
#142    0x00007fff417d83ed in CGDisplayListDelegateDrawDisplayList ()
#143    0x00007fff41ba1115 in dlr_DrawLayer ()
#144    0x00007fff41913b2b in CGContextDelegateDrawLayer ()
#145    0x00007fff418729ef in CGContextDrawLayerAtPoint ()
#146    0x000000010d88743b in AquaSalGraphics::UpdateWindow(CGRect&) at
#147    0x000000010d978320 in ::-[SalFrameView drawRect:](NSRect) at
#148    0x00007fff3e9ac755 in _NSViewDrawRect ()
#149    0x00007fff3e9ab00d in -[NSView(NSInternal)
#150    0x00007fff3e9aa9f2 in __46-[NSView(NSLayerKitGlue)
drawLayer:inContext:]_block_invoke ()
#151    0x00007fff3e9aa751 in -[NSView(NSLayerKitGlue)
_drawViewBackingLayer:inContext:drawingHandler:] ()
#152    0x00007fff4c2e7a83 in CABackingStoreUpdate_ ()
#153    0x00007fff4c34882d in ___ZN2CA5Layer8display_Ev_block_invoke ()
#154    0x00007fff4c2e6c78 in -[CALayer _display] ()
#155    0x00007fff3e9a9caa in _NSBackingLayerDisplay ()
#156    0x00007fff3e98e219 in -[_NSViewBackingLayer display] ()
#157    0x00007fff4c2e61a4 in CA::Layer::display_if_needed(CA::Transaction*) ()
#158    0x00007fff4c2d442f in CA::Context::commit_transaction(CA::Transaction*)
#159    0x00007fff4c2d3d00 in CA::Transaction::commit() ()
#160    0x00007fff4c2d3a0c in
CA::Transaction::observer_callback(__CFRunLoopObserver*, unsigned long, void*)
#161    0x00007fff4138a6ad in
#162    0x00007fff4138a5e2 in __CFRunLoopDoObservers ()
#163    0x00007fff4132ba64 in CFRunLoopRunSpecific ()
#164    0x00007fff405c4b35 in RunCurrentEventLoopInMode ()
#165    0x00007fff405c4774 in ReceiveNextEventCommon ()
#166    0x00007fff405c45e8 in _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter
#167    0x00007fff3e880eb7 in _DPSNextEvent ()
#168    0x00007fff3e87fc56 in -[NSApplication(NSEvent)
_nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] ()
#169    0x000000010d81ce84 in AquaSalInstance::DoYield(bool, bool) at
#170    0x000000010d6b0a28 in ImplYield(bool, bool) at
#171    0x000000010d6b04d4 in Application::Yield() at
#172    0x000000010d6b0451 in Application::Execute() at
#173    0x000000010590717e in desktop::Desktop::Main() at
#174    0x000000010d6c1a5b in ImplSVMain() at
#175    0x000000010d81bf26 in AquaSalInstance::handleAppDefinedEvent(NSEvent*)
at /Volumes/TML13/lo/6.1/vcl/osx/salinst.cxx:464
#176    0x000000010d95fb91 in ::-[VCL_NSApplication sendEvent:](NSEvent *) at
#177    0x00007fff3e879cf1 in -[NSApplication run] ()
#178    0x00007fff3e8693f7 in NSApplicationMain ()
#179    0x000000010d81a5ba in ImplSVMainHook(int*) at
#180    0x000000010d6c460c in SVMain() at
#181    0x000000010597cf6a in ::soffice_main() at
#182    0x00000001057dcf60 in sal_main [inlined] at
#183    0x00000001057dcf5b in main at
#184    0x00007fff6e50e08d in start ()
#185    0x00007fff6e50e08d in start ()

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