--- Comment #3 from V Stuart Foote <> ---
OP responded via PMs, Mon 2019-08-26 2:55 PM

Nice job and follow-through on this bug report using “InsideClipboard” to
determine what actually gets captured to the clipboard when doing copies and
cuts in Microsoft One Note.  I appreciate your spending the time to research
this.   I’m not sure though, that we can dismiss this as  a fault in copying
“pure text”.  It doesn’t explain why copied text can’t be pasted directly into
Libre Writer from the clipboard.  The copied text has to be filtered through
Microsoft’s Notepad first, then copied and pasted into Libre Writer.  MS
Notepad strips all formatting off of what comes off the clipboard.   Once that
has happened, the text can be successfully copied and pasted into Libre
products.  This would raise the question, why can’t Libre Writer strip the
formatting from the clipboard items, 
enabling direct pastes like Notepad?

@Bro Bob,

Simple response is that there has to be _some_ default handling for any content
placed onto the os clipboard, One Note places a CF_DIB onto the clipboard and
that is what gets picked up as default paste format, and is then rendered as
bitmap to document canvas.

There is no direct linkage between LibreOffice and One Note, just the clipboard
content signaling--we don't check what app is populating the os system
clipboard, just what is available.  And depending on the LibreOffice module in
use, we take a default clip format appropriate to the module. 

And as to Notepad placement onto the Windows clipboard, you actually get
multiple clip formats there as well: CF_TEXT, CF_OEMTEXT, CF_UNICODETEXT and
CF_LOCALE. So mostly text but the difference between TEXT/OEMTEXT and Unicode
Text can be pretty significant for some locales/scripts.

LibreOffice does "strip the formatting" -- that is what the Paste Special ->
'Unformatted text' provides; it is just not the default. 

If we somehow tweaked LibreOffice clipboard handling to recognize MS One Note
as source, "stripped of formatting" would not necessarily be the best default
for MS One Note which generates rich context materials XHTML, Text, Bitmap and
even vector graphics depending on use. Some folks will want the rich content.

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