--- Comment #14 from Roman Eisele <> ---
(In reply to comment #13)
> We all more or less seem to agree that the rendering of U+00A0 as a
> fixed-width space is basically a bug.
Yes. But a special kind of bug: a bug which has been sanctioned by the fact
that it has been in Microsoft’s applications since ages, and therefore is
considered as some kind of “industry standard” by many people :-(

> Therefore it is a somewhat perverted
> situation that the bug cannot simply be fixed without paying attention to
> how the incorrect behaviour can also be preserved. Is it actually worth the
> trouble?
IMHO we can not just fix this bug by rendering U+00A0 as a proportional space,
because many people, probably: most (!) people will consider the new,
proportional rendering as a bug and cry: “You don’t render my .doc files
correctly anymore, fix this!” ...

Therefore the simplest solution which improves typography in LibreOffice
without breaking the (wrong) assumptions of many people is (as already
suggested in comment #3) to let the user configure in
Options/Writer/Compatibility how the classical “hard space” (U+00A0) should be
rendered: fixed-width as in Word or proportional (as Unicode and many (most?!)
textbooks about typography suggest). This option should work on a per-document
base, of course. So all existing documents will look like before when we open
it, but can be changed to the new, better rendering by just switching that
option; and the same option will also control the behaviour of documents
created anew.

Adding that option should not be too difficult; I remember that similar
additional compatibility options have been added in the past with relatively
few lines of code ...

Sorry for just repeating my initial suggestion, but IMHO all the other, more
advanced stuff -- e.g. bigger spaces after a sentence-ending period -- are
different items, for which we should file special enhancement requests, if
necessary. The present bug report is already far too long and complicated --
no developer who is just looking for some work to be done will understand
easily the many things we have been already discussing in this single bug
report ;-)

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