--- Comment #6 from Emir Sarı <> ---
My frustration towards the white toolbar background increasingly becomes
bigger. The recent bug of borderless toolbars on 4.0 even causes me not to open
the beta and do some testing and stuff
( In terms of eye strain,
this is a serious issue, plain colours cause eye strain, if they are pure
white, this is even worse. It has to contain gradients, geometrical shapes or
something for eyes to concentrate on to ease eye strain. That's where I
understood one single line of border how much helps to work *kinda*
comfortably. And this is really painful for people who has astigmate like me
even with eyeglasses. Maybe from a developer's point of view it may seem like
just something less important, but from an UX point of view, it is really
important; and this should be high priority. 

"NO ONE" will use a product that does not appeal to their eyes, except geeks of
it, or unless they need that product. There is NeoOffice, but it is
donationware, and not LO based (Still based on OO.o 3.1). 

And what actually frustrates me is, there is no single intention shown to
improve Mac user experience (like call for developers, seek Mac volunteers,
seek Mac UI designers), not mentioned in any roadmap or something, or whatever.
In Mac universe, developers usually find their ways, they have pretty much
options to canalise their efforts, the recent Mac App Store, iOS environment...
frankly, they have much choices. And I believe no single Mac developer or
designer will care about LibreOffice unless you seek for them. Sure, I believe
there are quiet a number of developers who'd be willing to help, but my humble
opinion is they simply do different stuff. And I don't know how new features
are decided, but as a transparent foundation, all these should be made clear,
so people can see what is missing, what is needed, so that they can act

Just my two cents.

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